API Documentation
- Introduction
- Messages
- Authentication
Connection Types
- MLink Websocket API
Data Dictionary
- Python
- C++ and C#
Interactive Playground
- Real Time
- Delayed
Postman for WebSocket
Data Dictionary
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkRest | 100 | key1 | String | bucket key for the 1st field in the ‘group’ clause |
MLinkRest | 103 | key2 | String | bucket key for the 2nd field in the ‘group’ clause |
MLinkRest | 106 | key3 | String | bucket key for the 3rd field in the ‘group’ clause |
MLinkRest | 109 | key4 | String | bucket key for the 4th field in the ‘group’ clause |
MLinkRest | 112 | recCount | Int |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkRest | 100 | key1 | String | bucket key for the 1st field in the ‘group’ clause |
MLinkRest | 103 | key2 | String | bucket key for the 2nd field in the ‘group’ clause |
MLinkRest | 106 | key3 | String | bucket key for the 3rd field in the ‘group’ clause |
MLinkRest | 109 | key4 | String | bucket key for the 4th field in the ‘group’ clause |
MLinkRest | 112 | name | String | measure field name |
MLinkRest | 115 | fNum | UShort | |
MLinkRest | 118 | recCount | Int | |
MLinkRest | 121 | error | String | |
MLinkRest | 124 | cnt | Int | number of items in this composite bucket |
MLinkRest | 127 | sum | Double | |
MLinkRest | 130 | avg | Double | |
MLinkRest | 133 | min | Double | |
MLinkRest | 136 | max | Double |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkRest | 100 | key1 | String | bucket key for the 1st field in the ‘group’ clause |
MLinkRest | 103 | key2 | String | bucket key for the 2nd field in the ‘group’ clause |
MLinkRest | 106 | key3 | String | bucket key for the 3rd field in the ‘group’ clause |
MLinkRest | 109 | key4 | String | bucket key for the 4th field in the ‘group’ clause |
MLinkRest | 112 | name | String | measure field name |
MLinkRest | 115 | fNum | UShort | |
MLinkRest | 118 | recCount | Int | |
MLinkRest | 121 | error | String | |
MLinkRest | 124 | Value | Repeater | |
MLinkRest | 127 | value | String | |
MLinkRest | 130 | cnt | Int |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkRest | 100 | name | String | field name from the ‘group’ clause |
MLinkRest | 103 | fNum | UShort | |
MLinkRest | 106 | key | String | is one of key1, key2, key3, or key4 from an aggregate composite bucket result |
MLinkRest | 109 | min | String | bucket range is [min, max); might be an int, double, string, or datetime (all encoded as strings) |
MLinkRest | 112 | max | String | |
MLinkRest | 115 | cnt | Int | number of items in this bucket |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
FutureDefinition | 10 | ccode | TickerKey | |
FutureDefinition | 100 | futexch | Enum | listing exchange |
FutureDefinition | 103 | ticker | TickerKey | master underlying |
FutureDefinition | 106 | settleTime | Enum | Settlement time: None; PM; AM |
FutureDefinition | 109 | positionLimit | Int | max contract limit |
FutureDefinition | 112 | tickValue | Float | $NLV value of a single tick change in display premium (pointValue = tickValue / tickSize) |
FutureDefinition | 115 | pointValue | Float | $NLV value of a single point change in display premium (pointValue = tickValue / tickSize) |
FutureDefinition | 118 | pointCurrency | Enum | |
FutureDefinition | 121 | priceScaling | Float | underlying price scale factor - products where the underlying quotes in cents will have 0.01 |
FutureDefinition | 124 | underliersPerCn | Int | shares, bond, or index units underlying the future (contract size) |
FutureDefinition | 127 | underlierType | Enum | Underlying type; None; Equity; Other; FX |
FutureDefinition | 130 | clearingCode | String | GMI/Clearing code |
FutureDefinition | 133 | ricCode | String | RIC Code |
FutureDefinition | 136 | bbgRoot | String | Bloomberg root |
FutureDefinition | 139 | bbgGroup | Enum | Bloomberg Yellow Key |
FutureDefinition | 142 | gmiExchange | String | GMI (Sungard) exchange code |
FutureDefinition | 145 | gmiProduct | String | GMI (Sungard) product code |
FutureDefinition | 148 | gmiSubType | String | GMI (Sungard) subtype code |
FutureDefinition | 151 | displayPriceScaling | Float | internal display price scale factor override |
FutureDefinition | 154 | strikeScaling | Float | internal strike price scale factor override |
FutureDefinition | 157 | description | String | product description |
FutureDefinition | 160 | marketCenter | String | market center, eg “ICE Market Type”, “CME MarketGroup” |
FutureDefinition | 163 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description | |||||
MLinkRest | 100 | pos | UShort | position in message (1…N) | |||||
MLinkRest | 103 | name | String | field name | |||||
MLinkRest | 106 | fNum | UShort | protobuf field number | |||||
MLinkRest | 109 | isPkey | Enum | YesNo enum (if field is a primary key) | |||||
MLinkRest | 112 | inRepeater | String | if field is in a repeating group, the repeater’s name | |||||
MLinkRest | 115 | fType | Enum | Field Type | |||||
MLinkRest | 118 | jsonEncType | String | overriden type specifically for JSON encoding | |||||
MLinkRest | 121 | protoEncType | String | overriden type specifically for protobuf encoding | |||||
MLinkRest | 124 | sLen | UShort | string length (if fType is string) | |||||
MLinkRest | 127 | eName | String | enum name (if fType is enum) | |||||
MLinkRest | 130 | eSet | Text2 | comma separated list of enum or string values (can be specific for a given user; default complete set) | |||||
MLinkRest | 133 | defaultVal | String | from Core.def: (…) can be a string, number, xKey, or partial xKey | |||||
MLinkRest | 136 | desc | Text2 | from core.def: … # comment line | |||||
MLinkRest | 139 | fCtrl | Enum | None = should not be visible; View = view only; Edit = View/Edit; Hide = Suppress on UI (form level directive) | |||||
MLinkRest | 142 | minV | Double | form edit number range min bound (if field is a numeric type) [enforced on edit] | |||||
MLinkRest | 145 | maxV | Double | form edit number range max bound (if field is a numeric type) [enforced on edit] | |||||
MLinkRest | 148 | metaType | String | metatype associated with field | |||||
MLinkRest | 151 | label | Text2 | column (grid) and widget (form) label | |||||
MLinkRest | 154 | group | Text2 | form flow groups | |||||
MLinkRest | 157 | format | Text2 | numeric format string (eg. ’#,###.00’) (both grid and form) | |||||
MLinkRest | 160 | cColor | Byte | grid column color number (color palette number) (0 means undefined) | |||||
MLinkRest | 163 | contextQuery | Text2 | `context query for pseudo enum fields with format of contextQuery= otherMsgType | selectField | contextField | contextField | … | contextField` |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
FutMktData | 10 | fkey | ExpiryKey | |
FutMktData | 100 | updateType | Enum | |
FutMktData | 103 | marketStatus | Enum | market status (open, halted, etc) |
FutMktData | 106 | bidPrice1 | Double | bid price |
FutMktData | 109 | askPrice1 | Double | ask price |
FutMktData | 112 | bidSize1 | Int | bid size in contracts |
FutMktData | 115 | askSize1 | Int | ask size in contracts |
FutMktData | 118 | bidOrders1 | UShort | number of participating orders at the bid price |
FutMktData | 121 | askOrders1 | UShort | number of participating orders at the ask price |
FutMktData | 124 | bidPrice2 | Double | bid price |
FutMktData | 127 | askPrice2 | Double | ask price |
FutMktData | 130 | bidSize2 | Int | bid size in contracts |
FutMktData | 133 | askSize2 | Int | ask size in contracts |
FutMktData | 136 | bidOrders2 | UShort | number of participating orders at the bid price |
FutMktData | 139 | askOrders2 | UShort | number of participating orders at the ask price |
FutMktData | 142 | bidPrice3 | Double | bid price |
FutMktData | 145 | askPrice3 | Double | ask price |
FutMktData | 148 | bidSize3 | Int | bid size in contracts |
FutMktData | 151 | askSize3 | Int | ask size in contracts |
FutMktData | 154 | bidOrders3 | UShort | number of participating orders at the bid price |
FutMktData | 157 | askOrders3 | UShort | number of participating orders at the ask price |
FutMktData | 160 | bidPrice4 | Double | bid price |
FutMktData | 163 | askPrice4 | Double | ask price |
FutMktData | 166 | bidSize4 | Int | bid size in contracts |
FutMktData | 169 | askSize4 | Int | ask size in contracts |
FutMktData | 172 | bidOrders4 | UShort | number of participating orders at the bid price |
FutMktData | 175 | askOrders4 | UShort | number of participating orders at the ask price |
FutMktData | 178 | srcTimestamp | Long | source high precision timestamp (if available) |
FutMktData | 181 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch;usually syncronized with facility grandfather clock |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
FutMarkData | 10 | fkey | ExpiryKey | |
FutMarkData | 100 | tradeDate | DateKey | |
FutMarkData | 103 | clsMarkState | Enum | Close mark state: None; LastPrt; SRClose; ExchClose; Final |
FutMarkData | 106 | opnPrc | Double | Opening price |
FutMarkData | 109 | minPrc | Double | Low price |
FutMarkData | 112 | maxPrc | Double | High Price |
FutMarkData | 115 | openInterest | Int | Open interest |
FutMarkData | 118 | prtCount | Int | print count |
FutMarkData | 121 | prtVolume | Int | print volume |
FutMarkData | 124 | realizedCnt | Int | number of minute bar segments used in realizedVar calc |
FutMarkData | 127 | realizedVar | Float | realizedVar = SUM[ LOG( qteTwap(T) / qteTwap(T+1) ) ^ 2 ] / realizedCnt @ 1 minute intervals during market hours |
FutMarkData | 130 | avgMktSize | Float | MEAN[0.5 * (bidSize + askSize) ] @ 1 minute intervals during market hours |
FutMarkData | 133 | avgMktWidth | Float | MEAN[ askPrice - bidPrice ] @ 1 minute intervals during market hours |
FutMarkData | 136 | bidPrc | Double | bid price (close - 1min) |
FutMarkData | 139 | askPrc | Double | ask price (close - 1min) |
FutMarkData | 142 | srClsPrc | Double | sr close mark (close - 1min) |
FutMarkData | 145 | closePrc | Double | official exchange closing mark (last print;then official close) |
FutMarkData | 148 | hasSRClsPrc | Enum | |
FutMarkData | 151 | hasClosePrc | Enum | |
FutMarkData | 154 | srCloseMarkDttm | DateTime | from MarketCloseQuote.srCloseMarkDttm |
FutMarkData | 157 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
FutSummaryData | 10 | fkey | ExpiryKey | |
FutSummaryData | 100 | opnPrice | Double | first print price of the day during regular market hours |
FutSummaryData | 103 | mrkPrice | Double | last print handled during regular market hours |
FutSummaryData | 106 | clsPrice | Double | official exchange closing price |
FutSummaryData | 109 | minPrice | Double | minimum print price within market hours |
FutSummaryData | 112 | maxPrice | Double | maximum print price within market hours |
FutSummaryData | 115 | openInt | Int | open interest |
FutSummaryData | 118 | bidCount | Int | num prints less than or equals to quote.bid |
FutSummaryData | 121 | bidVolume | Int | volume when prtPrice less than or equals to quote.bid |
FutSummaryData | 124 | askCount | Int | num prints greater than or equals to quote.ask |
FutSummaryData | 127 | askVolume | Int | volume when prtPrice greater than or equals to quote.ask |
FutSummaryData | 130 | midCount | Int | num prints inside quote.bid / quote.ask |
FutSummaryData | 133 | midVolume | Int | volume inside quote.bid / quote.ask |
FutSummaryData | 136 | prtCount | Int | number of distinct print reports |
FutSummaryData | 139 | prtPrice | Double | last print price |
FutSummaryData | 142 | expCount | Int | number of updates included in exponential average |
FutSummaryData | 145 | expWidth | Double | exponential average market width (10 minute 1/2 life) |
FutSummaryData | 148 | expBidSize | Float | exponential average bid size (10 minute 1/2 life) |
FutSummaryData | 151 | expAskSize | Float | exponential average ask size (10 minute 1/2 life) |
FutSummaryData | 154 | lastPrint | DateTime | |
FutSummaryData | 157 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
FutSummaryData | 10 | fkey | ExpiryKey | |
FutSummaryData | 100 | date | String | Trade Date |
FutSummaryData | 103 | time | String | Trade Time end of period (Bar) |
FutSummaryData | 106 | prtOpen | Double | Print at open of period (Bar) |
FutSummaryData | 109 | prtHigh | Double | High price during period (Bar) |
FutSummaryData | 112 | prtLow | Double | Low price during period (Bar) |
FutSummaryData | 115 | prtLast | Double | Print at close of period (Bar) |
FutSummaryData | 118 | prtVWap | Double | Period (Bar) VWap |
FutSummaryData | 121 | prtVolume | Int | Period (Bar) number of contracts |
FutSummaryData | 124 | prtCount | Int | Number of prints during the period |
FutSummaryData | 127 | qteHiBid | Double | Quote bid high |
FutSummaryData | 130 | qteLoAsk | Double | Quote ask low |
FutSummaryData | 133 | qteTwap | Double | Quote Twap |
FutSummaryData | 136 | qteCount | Int | Quote number of contracts |
FutSummaryData | 139 | bid | Double | Bid at the time of the print |
FutSummaryData | 142 | ask | Double | Ask at the time of the print |
FutSummaryData | 145 | bidSz | Int | Bid size at the time of print |
FutSummaryData | 148 | askSz | Int | Ask size at the time of print |
FutSummaryData | 151 | width | Float | reference point for expWidth (SR debug use) |
FutSummaryData | 154 | isEOB | Enum | is end-of-bar (every 10 minutes) |
FutSummaryData | 157 | isEOH | Enum | is end-of-hour |
FutSummaryData | 160 | timestamp | DateTime | same as date + time |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
FutMarkData | 10 | fkey | ExpiryKey | |
FutMarkData | 100 | tradeDate | DateKey | |
FutMarkData | 103 | srClsPrc | Double | SR open mark; [SR close mark (close - 1min) from previous day] |
FutMarkData | 106 | closePrc | Double | exchange open mark; [exchange close mark from previous day] |
FutMarkData | 109 | bidPrc | Double | bid price (SR bid price from previous day) |
FutMarkData | 112 | askPrc | Double | ask price (SR ask price from previous day) |
FutMarkData | 115 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
FutMktData | 10 | fkey | ExpiryKey | |
FutMktData | 100 | prtExch | Enum | print exchange |
FutMktData | 103 | prtSize | Int | print size [contracts] |
FutMktData | 106 | prtPrice | Double | print price |
FutMktData | 109 | prtClusterNum | Int | incremental print cluster counter (one counter per fkey; used to group prints into clusters) |
FutMktData | 112 | prtClusterSize | Int | cumulative size of prints in this sequence (sequence of prints @ same or better price with less than 25 ms elapsing since first print) |
FutMktData | 115 | prtType | Byte | print type [exchange specific] |
FutMktData | 118 | prtOrders | UShort | number of orders participating in this print |
FutMktData | 121 | prtQuan | Int | cumulative (electronic) print size at current price level |
FutMktData | 124 | prtVolume | Int | cumulative day (electronic) print volume in contracts |
FutMktData | 127 | bid | Float | exchange bid (@ print time) |
FutMktData | 130 | ask | Float | exchange ask (@ print time) |
FutMktData | 133 | bsz | Int | cumulative bid size (@ print time) |
FutMktData | 136 | asz | Int | cumulative ask size (@ print time) |
FutMktData | 139 | age | Float | age of prevailing quote at time of print |
FutMktData | 142 | prtSide | Enum | implied print side (from bid/ask) |
FutMktData | 145 | prtTimestamp | Long | exchange high precision timestamp (if available) |
FutMktData | 148 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch;usually syncronized with facility grandfather clock |
FutMktData | 151 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
FutProbModel | 10 | fkey | ExpiryKey | |
FutProbModel | 11 | stateModel | Enum | |
FutProbModel | 100 | prtPrice | Double | |
FutProbModel | 103 | prtSize | Int | |
FutProbModel | 106 | prtProb | Float | probability that this print will result in positive PnL |
FutProbModel | 109 | prtSide | Enum | |
FutProbModel | 112 | bidPrice | Double | nbbo bid price |
FutProbModel | 115 | askPrice | Double | nbbo ask price |
FutProbModel | 118 | bidSize | Int | cumulative size @ bid price |
FutProbModel | 121 | askSize | Int | cumulative size @ ask price |
FutProbModel | 124 | avgBLink1m | Float | average buy link value (trailing 10) |
FutProbModel | 127 | maeBLink1m | Float | buy link value mean abs err (trailing 1000) |
FutProbModel | 130 | avgSLink1m | Float | average sell link value (trailing 10) |
FutProbModel | 133 | maeSLink1m | Float | sell link value mean abs err (trailing 1000) |
FutProbModel | 136 | avgBLink10m | Float | average buy link value (trailing 100) |
FutProbModel | 139 | maeBLink10m | Float | bid link value mean abs err (trailing 1000) |
FutProbModel | 142 | avgSLink10m | Float | average ask link value (trailing 100) |
FutProbModel | 145 | maeSLink10m | Float | ask link value mean abs err (trailing 1000) |
FutProbModel | 148 | bCounter | Int | buy counter |
FutProbModel | 151 | sCounter | Int | sell counter |
FutProbModel | 154 | prtTimestamp | Long | feed timestamp from the packet |
FutProbModel | 157 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch (from FuturePrint) |
FutProbModel | 160 | smsTimestamp | Long | state model server timestamp (just before publish) |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
FutProbModel | 10 | fkey | ExpiryKey | |
FutProbModel | 11 | stateModel | Enum | |
FutProbModel | 100 | bidPrice | Double | best bid price |
FutProbModel | 103 | askPrice | Double | best ask price |
FutProbModel | 106 | bidSize | Int | cumulative size @ bid price |
FutProbModel | 109 | askSize | Int | cumulative size @ ask price |
FutProbModel | 112 | bidTakeProb | Float | bid take probability of current nbbo market (zero exchange fee) [average size print] |
FutProbModel | 115 | askTakeProb | Float | ask take probability of current nbbo market (zero exchange fee) [average size print] |
FutProbModel | 118 | bidTakeRv | Enum | model result code |
FutProbModel | 121 | askTakeRv | Enum | model result code |
FutProbModel | 124 | bidImprPrice | Float | trial improvement price (usually 1 tick or 1/2 spread inside bidPrice) |
FutProbModel | 127 | askImprPrice | Float | trial improvement price (usually 1 tick or 1/2 spread inside askPrice) |
FutProbModel | 130 | bidTkImProb | Float | bid take imprv probability of current nbbo market (zero exchange fee) [prob to sell (take) @ bid + imprIncrement] |
FutProbModel | 133 | askTkImProb | Float | ask take imprv probability of current nbbo market (zero exchange fee) [prob to buy (take) @ ask - imprIncrement] |
FutProbModel | 136 | bidTkImRv | Enum | model result code |
FutProbModel | 139 | askTkImRv | Enum | model result code |
FutProbModel | 142 | midPrice | Double | price corresponding to 0.50 probability |
FutProbModel | 145 | avgBidLink1m | Float | average bid link value (~1 min) |
FutProbModel | 148 | maeBidLink1m | Float | bid link value mean abs err (~10 min) |
FutProbModel | 151 | avgAskLink1m | Float | average ask link value (~1 min) |
FutProbModel | 154 | maeAskLink1m | Float | ask link value mean abs err (~1 min) |
FutProbModel | 157 | avgBidLink10m | Float | average bid link value (~10 min) |
FutProbModel | 160 | maeBidLink10m | Float | bid link value mean abs err (~10 min) |
FutProbModel | 163 | avgAskLink10m | Float | average ask link value (~10 min) |
FutProbModel | 166 | maeAskLink10m | Float | ask link value mean abs err (~10 min) |
FutProbModel | 169 | avgMktWidth1m | Float | askPrice - bidPrice (~1 min) |
FutProbModel | 172 | avgMktWidth10m | Float | askPrice - bidPrice (~10 min) |
FutProbModel | 175 | counter | Int | record update counter (zero @ start of period;per fkey) |
FutProbModel | 178 | qpSource | Enum | |
FutProbModel | 181 | srcTimestamp | Long | feed timestamp from the packet |
FutProbModel | 184 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch (from FutureBookQuote);zero = size only change |
FutProbModel | 187 | smsTimestamp | Long | state model server timestamp (just before publish) |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
RiskCalc | 100 | root | TickerKey | |
RiskCalc | 103 | expiry | DateKey | |
RiskCalc | 106 | strike | Double | |
RiskCalc | 109 | callPut | Enum | |
RiskCalc | 112 | vol | Double | volatility (will be SR surface volatility if not supplied) |
RiskCalc | 115 | uPrc | Double | underlying price |
RiskCalc | 118 | years | Double | years-to-expiration (default uses SR volatility time value) |
RiskCalc | 121 | sdiv | Double | continuous stock dividend using for pricing |
RiskCalc | 124 | rate | Double | discount rate used for pricing |
RiskCalc | 127 | exType | Enum | exercise type of the option (American or European) |
RiskCalc | 130 | exTime | Enum | exercise time (AM or PM) |
RiskCalc | 133 | timeMetric | Enum | time metric (D252, D365, etc.) |
RiskCalc | 145 | modelType | Enum | |
RiskCalc | 148 | calcEngine | Enum | underlying calc engine: FastHybrid (listed strikes + SR discrtete dividends only). NumericX works for any strike/expiry + discrete dividend set but is significantly slower. |
RiskCalc | 151 | incGreeks | Enum | default (No) |
RiskCalc | 154 | price | Double | price (premium) |
RiskCalc | 157 | effStrike | Double | effective strike used to for pricing calc |
RiskCalc | 160 | dividendAmount | Float | sum of discrete dividend amounts payable prior to exercise (if any) (simple; not net present value) |
RiskCalc | 163 | delta | Float | delta |
RiskCalc | 166 | gamma | Float | gamma |
RiskCalc | 169 | theta | Float | theta |
RiskCalc | 172 | vega | Float | vega |
RiskCalc | 175 | volga | Float | volga |
RiskCalc | 178 | vanna | Float | vanna |
RiskCalc | 181 | deDecay | Float | delta decay |
RiskCalc | 184 | rho | Float | rho |
RiskCalc | 187 | phi | Float | phi |
RiskCalc | 190 | error | String | |
RiskCalc | 193 | pricerModel | String | |
RiskCalc | 196 | timestamp | DateTime | |
RiskCalc | 136 | DiscreteDividend | Repeater | |
RiskCalc | 139 | date | DateTime | |
RiskCalc | 142 | amount | Float |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
RiskCalc | 100 | root | TickerKey | |
RiskCalc | 103 | expiry | DateKey | |
RiskCalc | 106 | strike | Double | |
RiskCalc | 109 | callPut | Enum | |
RiskCalc | 112 | price | Double | option price (premium) |
RiskCalc | 115 | uPrc | Double | underlying price |
RiskCalc | 118 | years | Double | years-to-expiration (default uses SR volatility time value) |
RiskCalc | 121 | sdiv | Double | continuous stock dividend using for pricing |
RiskCalc | 124 | rate | Double | discount rate used for pricing |
RiskCalc | 127 | exType | Enum | exercise type of the option (American or European) |
RiskCalc | 130 | exTime | Enum | exercise time (AM or PM) |
RiskCalc | 133 | timeMetric | Enum | time metric (D252, D365, etc.) |
RiskCalc | 145 | modelType | Enum | |
RiskCalc | 148 | calcEngine | Enum | underlying calc engine: FastHybrid (listed strikes + SR discrtete dividends only). NumericX works for any strike/expiry + discrete dividend set but is significantly slower. |
RiskCalc | 151 | incGreeks | Enum | default (No) |
RiskCalc | 154 | vol | Double | volatility (implied) |
RiskCalc | 157 | effStrike | Double | effective strike used to for pricing calc |
RiskCalc | 160 | dividendAmount | Float | sum of discrete dividend amounts payable prior to exercise (if any) (simple; not net present value) |
RiskCalc | 163 | delta | Float | delta |
RiskCalc | 166 | gamma | Float | gamma |
RiskCalc | 169 | theta | Float | theta |
RiskCalc | 172 | vega | Float | vega |
RiskCalc | 175 | volga | Float | volga |
RiskCalc | 178 | vanna | Float | vanna |
RiskCalc | 181 | deDecay | Float | delta decay |
RiskCalc | 184 | rho | Float | rho |
RiskCalc | 187 | phi | Float | phi |
RiskCalc | 190 | error | String | |
RiskCalc | 193 | pricerModel | String | |
RiskCalc | 196 | timestamp | DateTime | |
RiskCalc | 136 | DiscreteDividend | Repeater | |
RiskCalc | 139 | date | DateTime | |
RiskCalc | 142 | amount | Float |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
GlobalDefinition | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
GlobalDefinition | 100 | timestamp | DateTime | publish time (GlobalDividend.timestamp = SRPricingCalcRecord.timestamp @ publish) |
GlobalDefinition | 103 | lastModified | DateTime | last dividend data modify timestamp |
GlobalDefinition | 106 | text | Text1 | extra text (if any) |
GlobalDefinition | 109 | DateAmt | Repeater | |
GlobalDefinition | 112 | divDate | DateKey | ex-dividend date |
GlobalDefinition | 115 | divValue | Float | dividend amount |
GlobalDefinition | 118 | divCurrency | String | |
GlobalDefinition | 121 | divKind | Enum | dividend type |
GlobalDefinition | 124 | divSource | Enum | dividend source |
GlobalDefinition | 127 | divFreq | Enum | |
GlobalDefinition | 130 | divOverrideSource | Enum | dividend override source if any |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
GlobalDefinition | 10 | rateSource | Enum | |
GlobalDefinition | 100 | timestamp | DateTime | |
GlobalDefinition | 103 | Curve | Repeater | |
GlobalDefinition | 106 | days | Int | calendar days to expiration (actual/365 days per year) |
GlobalDefinition | 109 | rate | Float |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptSurface | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
OptSurface | 11 | windowType | String | eg. cc, ccCen, ccClCen, hl, hlCen, iv63, iv126, etc |
OptSurface | 100 | date | String | most recent closing date |
OptSurface | 103 | securityID | Int | |
OptSurface | 106 | value | Float | most recent historical value |
OptSurface | 109 | mv_5d | Float | historical mean value (5 day window) |
OptSurface | 112 | sd_5d | Float | historical std dev (5 day window) |
OptSurface | 115 | mv_10d | Float | |
OptSurface | 118 | sd_10d | Float | |
OptSurface | 121 | mv_21d | Float | |
OptSurface | 124 | sd_21d | Float | |
OptSurface | 127 | mv_42d | Float | |
OptSurface | 130 | sd_42d | Float | |
OptSurface | 133 | mv_63d | Float | |
OptSurface | 136 | sd_63d | Float | |
OptSurface | 139 | mv_84d | Float | |
OptSurface | 142 | sd_84d | Float | |
OptSurface | 145 | mv_105d | Float | |
OptSurface | 148 | sd_105d | Float | |
OptSurface | 151 | mv_126d | Float | |
OptSurface | 154 | sd_126d | Float | |
OptSurface | 157 | mv_189d | Float | |
OptSurface | 160 | sd_189d | Float | |
OptSurface | 163 | mv_252d | Float | |
OptSurface | 166 | sd_252d | Float | |
OptSurface | 169 | mv_378d | Float | |
OptSurface | 172 | sd_378d | Float | |
OptSurface | 175 | mv_504d | Float | |
OptSurface | 178 | sd_504d | Float | |
OptSurface | 181 | timestamp | DateTime | record update timestamp |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptSurface | 10 | ekey | ExpiryKey | |
OptSurface | 100 | ticker | TickerKey | underlying tickerKey (stock or product group) that this option expiration is associated with |
OptSurface | 103 | uPrc | Double | effective underlier price |
OptSurface | 106 | years | Float | SR years to expiry metric |
OptSurface | 109 | rate | Float | average expected interest rate to expiry (SR global rate curve) |
OptSurface | 112 | ddiv | Float | (expected) cumulative discrete dividend $ amounts prior to expiration (if any) |
OptSurface | 115 | ddivPv | Float | (expected) cumulative npv of discrete dividend $ amounts prior to expiration (SR global rate curve) (if any) |
OptSurface | 118 | ddivSource | Enum | Forecast if any of the dividends prior to expiry are forecast rather than announced |
OptSurface | 121 | atmVol | Float | atm vol (xAxis = 0) |
OptSurface | 124 | atmEMA | Float | atm vol exp moving average (half-life ~ 30 seconds) |
OptSurface | 127 | uPrcRatio | Double | uPrc = uPrcDriver * uPrcRatio (when priceType = Future); uPrc = uPrcDriver (when priceType = Equity) |
OptSurface | 130 | uPrcRatioEMA | Double | time smoothed implied uPrcRatio (half-life ~ 30 seconds) |
OptSurface | 133 | sdiv | Float | stock dividend (borrow rate) (derived from call/put balance when priceType=Stock; =rate otherwise) |
OptSurface | 136 | sdivEMA | Float | sdiv exp moving average (half-life ~ 30 seconds) |
OptSurface | 139 | minCPAdjVal | Double | minimum cpAdjVal (sdiv or uPrcRatio) |
OptSurface | 142 | maxCPAdjVal | Double | minimum cpAdjVal (sdiv or uPrcRatio) |
OptSurface | 145 | cpAdjType | Enum | adjustment used to align calls/puts |
OptSurface | 148 | priceType | Enum | [Equity] has independent uPrc and rate with sdiv derived from call/put balance; [Future] has sdiv = rate with uPrc’ derived from call/put balance |
OptSurface | 151 | uPrcDriverKey | ExpiryKey | underlier driver key |
OptSurface | 154 | uPrcDriverType | Enum | underlier driver key type (stock or future) |
OptSurface | 157 | uPrcDriver | Double | underlier driver (mid-market) |
OptSurface | 160 | axisFUPrc | Float | forward underlier price; also at-the-money (xAxis = 0) synthetic strike |
OptSurface | 163 | synSpot | Double | Synthetic spot price (market-derived spot when the underlying is not a traded instrument) |
OptSurface | 166 | vWidth | Float | atm volatility market width (estimated from near expiries) |
OptSurface | 169 | numAtmStrikes | Byte | |
OptSurface | 172 | tradeableStatus | Enum | indicates whether the surface is currently tradeable or not (all server surface integrity checks pass) |
OptSurface | 175 | surfaceResult | Enum | |
OptSurface | 178 | netTimestamp | Long | most recent unix timestamp (all option quotes) |
OptSurface | 181 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptSurface | 10 | ekey | ExpiryKey | |
OptSurface | 100 | ticker | TickerKey | underlying tickerKey (stock or product group) that this option expiration is associated with |
OptSurface | 103 | uPrc | Double | effective underlier price |
OptSurface | 106 | years | Float | SR years to expiry metric |
OptSurface | 109 | rate | Float | average expected interest rate to expiry (SR global rate curve) |
OptSurface | 112 | ddiv | Float | (expected) cumulative discrete dividend $ amounts prior to expiration (if any) |
OptSurface | 115 | ddivPv | Float | (expected) cumulative npv of discrete dividend $ amounts prior to expiration (SR global rate curve) (if any) |
OptSurface | 118 | ddivSource | Enum | Forecast if any of the dividends prior to expiry are forecast rather than announced |
OptSurface | 121 | atmVol | Float | atm vol (xAxis = 0) |
OptSurface | 124 | atmEMA | Float | atm vol exp moving average (half-life ~ 30 seconds) |
OptSurface | 127 | uPrcRatio | Double | uPrc = uPrcDriver * uPrcRatio (when priceType = Future); uPrc = uPrcDriver (when priceType = Equity) |
OptSurface | 130 | uPrcRatioEMA | Double | time smoothed implied uPrcRatio (half-life ~ 30 seconds) |
OptSurface | 133 | sdiv | Float | stock dividend (borrow rate) (derived from call/put balance when priceType=Stock; =rate otherwise) |
OptSurface | 136 | sdivEMA | Float | sdiv exp moving average (half-life ~ 30 seconds) |
OptSurface | 139 | minCPAdjVal | Double | minimum cpAdjVal (sdiv or uPrcRatio) |
OptSurface | 142 | maxCPAdjVal | Double | minimum cpAdjVal (sdiv or uPrcRatio) |
OptSurface | 145 | cpAdjType | Enum | adjustment used to align calls/puts |
OptSurface | 148 | priceType | Enum | [Equity] has independent uPrc and rate with sdiv derived from call/put balance; [Future] has sdiv = rate with uPrc’ derived from call/put balance |
OptSurface | 151 | uPrcDriverKey | ExpiryKey | underlier driver key |
OptSurface | 154 | uPrcDriverType | Enum | underlier driver key type (stock or future) |
OptSurface | 157 | uPrcDriver | Double | underlier driver (mid-market) |
OptSurface | 160 | axisFUPrc | Float | forward underlier price; also at-the-money (xAxis = 0) synthetic strike |
OptSurface | 163 | spotUPrc | Double | spotUPrc = uPrc if priceType = Equity; spotUPrc != uPrc priceType = Future |
OptSurface | 166 | vWidth | Float | atm volatility market width (estimated from near expiries) |
OptSurface | 169 | numAtmStrikes | Byte | |
OptSurface | 172 | tradeableStatus | Enum | indicates whether the surface is currently tradeable or not (all server surface integrity checks pass) |
OptSurface | 175 | surfaceResult | Enum | |
OptSurface | 178 | netTimestamp | Long | most recent unix timestamp (all option quotes) |
OptSurface | 181 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptAnalytics | 10 | okey | OptionKey | |
OptAnalytics | 100 | ticker | TickerKey | SR Ticker that this option rolls up to |
OptAnalytics | 103 | uPrc | Float | underlier price (usually mid-market) |
OptAnalytics | 106 | uOff | Float | implied underlier price offset (if any) |
OptAnalytics | 109 | years | Float | years to expiration |
OptAnalytics | 112 | xAxis | Float | option moneyness |
OptAnalytics | 115 | rate | Float | discount rate |
OptAnalytics | 118 | sdiv | Float | sdiv (continuous stock dividend) rate |
OptAnalytics | 121 | ddiv | Float | cumulative discrete dividend value |
OptAnalytics | 124 | oBid | Float | option bid price |
OptAnalytics | 127 | oAsk | Float | option ask price |
OptAnalytics | 130 | oBidIv | Float | volatility implied by option bid price |
OptAnalytics | 133 | oAskIv | Float | volatility implied by option ask price |
OptAnalytics | 136 | atmVol | Float | option atm volatility (from SR surface) |
OptAnalytics | 139 | sVol | Float | option surface volatility (SR surface fit model) |
OptAnalytics | 142 | sPrc | Float | option surface price; ie. PRICE(sVol, uPrc + uOff, years, rate, sDiv, {discrete dividends, if any} ) |
OptAnalytics | 145 | sMark | Float | option surface mark (option surface price w/bounding rules; always between bid/ask) |
OptAnalytics | 148 | veSlope | Float | veSlope = dVol / dUprc (assuming vol @ xAxis = 0 remains constant); hedgeDelta = (de + ve * 100 * veSlope) if hedging with this assumption |
OptAnalytics | 151 | de | Float | option delta |
OptAnalytics | 154 | ga | Float | option gamma |
OptAnalytics | 157 | th | Float | option theta |
OptAnalytics | 160 | ve | Float | option vega |
OptAnalytics | 163 | va | Float | option vanna |
OptAnalytics | 166 | vo | Float | option volga |
OptAnalytics | 169 | ro | Float | option rho |
OptAnalytics | 172 | ph | Float | option phi |
OptAnalytics | 175 | deDecay | Float | option delta decay |
OptAnalytics | 178 | up50 | Float | underlier up 50% slide |
OptAnalytics | 181 | dn50 | Float | underlier dn 50% slide |
OptAnalytics | 184 | up15 | Float | underlier up 15% slide |
OptAnalytics | 187 | dn15 | Float | underlier dn 15% slide |
OptAnalytics | 190 | up06 | Float | underlier up 6% slide |
OptAnalytics | 193 | dn08 | Float | underlier dn 8% slide |
OptAnalytics | 196 | synSpot | Double | Synthetic spot price (market-derived spot when the underlying is not a traded instrument) |
OptAnalytics | 199 | priceType | Enum | Equity or Future (Black76) pricing framework; if Future then uPrc is the forwardUPrc and sdiv = rate |
OptAnalytics | 202 | calcErr | Enum | option pricing calculation error (if any) |
OptAnalytics | 205 | calcSource | Enum | |
OptAnalytics | 208 | srcTimestamp | Long | OPRA source timestamp (nanoseconds since epoch); will be zero if calcSource != Tick |
OptAnalytics | 211 | netTimestamp | Long | SR timestamp @ publish time |
OptAnalytics | 214 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptAnalytics | 10 | okey | OptionKey | |
OptAnalytics | 100 | ticker | TickerKey | |
OptAnalytics | 103 | uprc | Float | underlier price (usually mid-market) |
OptAnalytics | 106 | years | Float | years to expiration |
OptAnalytics | 109 | rate | Float | interest rate |
OptAnalytics | 112 | sdiv | Float | sdiv (stock dividend) rate |
OptAnalytics | 115 | ddiv | Float | cumulative discrete dividend values |
OptAnalytics | 118 | obid | Float | option bid price |
OptAnalytics | 121 | oask | Float | option ask price |
OptAnalytics | 124 | obiv | Float | volatility implied by option bid price |
OptAnalytics | 127 | oaiv | Float | volatility implied by option ask price |
OptAnalytics | 130 | satm | Float | option atm volatility (from SR surface) |
OptAnalytics | 133 | smny | Float | option moneyness |
OptAnalytics | 136 | svol | Float | option surface volatility |
OptAnalytics | 139 | sprc | Float | option surface price |
OptAnalytics | 142 | smrk | Float | option surface price (w/bounding rules) |
OptAnalytics | 145 | veSlope | Float | veSlope = dVol / dUprc (assuming vol @ xAxis = 0 remains constant);hedgeDelta = (de + ve * 100 * veSlope) if hedging with this assumption |
OptAnalytics | 148 | de | Float | option delta |
OptAnalytics | 151 | ga | Float | option gamma |
OptAnalytics | 154 | th | Float | option theta |
OptAnalytics | 157 | ve | Float | option vega |
OptAnalytics | 160 | va | Float | option vanna |
OptAnalytics | 163 | vo | Float | option volga |
OptAnalytics | 166 | ro | Float | option rho |
OptAnalytics | 169 | ph | Float | option phi |
OptAnalytics | 172 | deDecay | Float | option delta decay |
OptAnalytics | 175 | up50 | Float | underlier up 50% slide |
OptAnalytics | 178 | dn50 | Float | underlier dn 50% slide |
OptAnalytics | 181 | up15 | Float | underlier up 15% slide |
OptAnalytics | 184 | dn15 | Float | underlier dn 15% slide |
OptAnalytics | 187 | up06 | Float | underlier up 6% slide |
OptAnalytics | 190 | dn08 | Float | underlier dn 8% slide |
OptAnalytics | 193 | synSpot | Double | Synthetic spot price (market-derived spot when the underlying is not a traded instrument) |
OptAnalytics | 196 | priceType | Enum | Equity or Future (Black76) pricing framework; if Future then uPrc is the forwardUPrc and sdiv = rate |
OptAnalytics | 199 | calcErr | String | option pricing error (if any) |
OptAnalytics | 202 | calcSource | Enum | |
OptAnalytics | 205 | uPrcAdjResult | Enum | |
OptAnalytics | 208 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptSurface | 10 | ekey | ExpiryKey | |
OptSurface | 11 | surfaceType | Enum | |
OptSurface | 100 | ticker | TickerKey | underlying stock key that this option expiration attaches to |
OptSurface | 103 | fkey | ExpiryKey | underlying future key (if any) |
OptSurface | 106 | uPrcDriverKey | ExpiryKey | underlier driver key |
OptSurface | 109 | uPrcDriverType | Enum | underlier driver key type (stock or future) |
OptSurface | 112 | uPrcDriver | Double | underlier driver (mid-market) |
OptSurface | 115 | uPrc | Double | effective uPrc used for surface fitting |
OptSurface | 118 | uBid | Double | effective uBid |
OptSurface | 121 | uAsk | Double | effective uAsk |
OptSurface | 124 | years | Float | time to expiration (in years) |
OptSurface | 127 | rate | Float | average interest rate to expiration (SR global rate curve) |
OptSurface | 130 | sdiv | Float | stock dividend (borrow rate) |
OptSurface | 133 | ddiv | Float | (expected) cumulative discrete dividend $ amounts prior to expiration |
OptSurface | 136 | ddivPv | Float | (expected) cumulative npv of discrete dividend $ amounts prior to expiration (SR global rate curve) |
OptSurface | 139 | ddivSource | Enum | Forecast if any of the dividends prior to expiry are forecast rather than announced |
OptSurface | 142 | symbolRatio | Float | underlier price ratio (usually 1.0 or a multi-hedge option price ratio; if one exists) |
OptSurface | 145 | exType | Enum | exercise type (American or European) |
OptSurface | 148 | modelType | Enum | option pricing model used for price calcs (Normal, LogNormal, etc.) |
OptSurface | 151 | priceType | Enum | Equity has independent sdiv and rate, Future has sdiv = rate |
OptSurface | 154 | earnCnt | Float | number of qualifying earnings events prior to expiration [can be fractional] (from StockEarningsCalendar) |
OptSurface | 157 | earnCntAdj | Float | number of qualifying earnings events prior to expiration [adjusted] (from StockEarningsCalendar + LiveSurfaceTerm) |
OptSurface | 160 | axisVolRT | Float | axis volatility x sqrt(years) (used to compute xAxis) [usually 4m atm vol] |
OptSurface | 163 | axisFUPrc | Float | axis FwdUPrc (fwd underlying price used to compute xAxis) |
OptSurface | 164 | synSpot | Double | Synthetic spot price (market-derived spot when the underlying is not a traded instrument) |
OptSurface | 165 | synCarry | Double | Synthetic carry rate; corresponds to the relationship between uPrc and synSpot (set when the underlying is not a traded instrument) |
OptSurface | 166 | atmStrike | Float | synthetic strike with cPrice = pPrice |
OptSurface | 169 | moneynessType | Enum | moneyness (xAxis) convention |
OptSurface | 172 | underlierMode | Enum | underlier pricing mode (None=use spot/stock market; FrontMonth=use front month future market * uPrcRatio; Actual = use actual underlier future market) |
OptSurface | 175 | cpAdjType | Enum | adjustment used to align calls/puts (if any) |
OptSurface | 178 | priceQuoteType | Enum | Price or Vol |
OptSurface | 181 | atmVol | Float | atm vol (xAxis = 0) |
OptSurface | 184 | atmCen | Float | atm vol (xAxis = 0) (eMove/earnCntAdj censored) |
OptSurface | 187 | atmVolHist | Float | historical realized volatility (includes eMoveHist x earnCntAdj adjustment). Note that this is the default atmVol if no implied markets existed previous day. |
OptSurface | 190 | atmCenHist | Float | censored (earnings events removed) historical realized volatility. Trailing periods is 2x forward time to expiration. From HistoricalVolatility(windowType=hlCen).mv_nnn |
OptSurface | 193 | eMove | Float | implied earnings move (from LiveSurfaceTerm) |
OptSurface | 196 | eMoveHist | Float | historical earnings move (avg of trailing 8 moves). From StockEarningsCalendar.eMoveHist |
OptSurface | 199 | uPrcRatio | Double | uPrcAdj = uPrc * uPrcRatioFit |
OptSurface | 202 | minAtmVol | Float | minimum estimated atm vol |
OptSurface | 205 | maxAtmVol | Float | maximum estimated atm vol |
OptSurface | 208 | minCPAdjVal | Double | minimum cpAdjVal (sdiv or uPrcRatio) |
OptSurface | 211 | maxCPAdjVal | Double | minimum cpAdjVal (sdiv or uPrcRatio) |
OptSurface | 214 | atmFixedMove | Float | fixed strike atm move from prior period |
OptSurface | 217 | atmPhi | Float | surface phi @ xAxis = 0 |
OptSurface | 220 | atmRho | Float | surface rho @ xAxis = 0 |
OptSurface | 223 | atmVega | Float | surface vega @ xAxis = 0 |
OptSurface | 226 | slope | Float | volatility surface slope (dVol / dXAxis) @ ATM (xAxis=0) |
OptSurface | 229 | varSwapFV | Float | variance swap fair value (estimated by numerical integration over OTM price surface) |
OptSurface | 232 | gridType | Enum | gridType defines skew curve coeff points + spline type |
OptSurface | 235 | knotShift | Float | constant that should be added to each base knot location [-3.0 - +3.0] |
OptSurface | 238 | fitPowerC | Float | fit power of the vol fit (call wing) |
OptSurface | 241 | fitPowerP | Float | fit power of the vol fit (put wing) |
OptSurface | 244 | minXAxis | Float | minimum xAxis value; xAxis values to the left extrapolate horizontally |
OptSurface | 247 | maxXAxis | Float | maximum xAxis value; xAxis values to the right extrapolate horizontally |
OptSurface | 250 | asymptoticVolC | Float | asymptotic volatility (call wing) |
OptSurface | 253 | asymptoticVolP | Float | asymptotic volatility (put wing) |
OptSurface | 256 | minCurvValue | Float | minimum curvature (2nd derivative) of skew curve (can be negative if curve is not strictly convex) |
OptSurface | 259 | minCurvXAxis | Float | xAxis of minimum curvature point |
OptSurface | 262 | maxCurvValue | Float | maximum curvature (2nd derivative) of skew curve |
OptSurface | 265 | maxCurvXAxis | Float | xAxis of maximum curvature point |
OptSurface | 268 | skewMinX | Float | xAxis = (effStrike / effAxisFUPrc - 1.0) / axisVolRT; effStrike = strike * strikeRatio; effAxisFUPrc = axisFUPrc * symbolRatio |
OptSurface | 271 | skewMinY | Float | skewMinX / skewMinY are the skew curve minimum point (usually a positive x value and a negative y value) |
OptSurface | 274 | surfaceFit | Enum | |
OptSurface | 277 | skewC00 | Float | curve coeff[0] |
OptSurface | 280 | skewC01 | Float | curve coeff[1] |
OptSurface | 283 | skewC02 | Float | |
OptSurface | 286 | skewC03 | Float | |
OptSurface | 289 | skewC04 | Float | |
OptSurface | 292 | skewC05 | Float | |
OptSurface | 295 | skewC06 | Float | |
OptSurface | 298 | skewC07 | Float | |
OptSurface | 301 | skewC08 | Float | |
OptSurface | 304 | skewC09 | Float | |
OptSurface | 307 | skewC10 | Float | |
OptSurface | 310 | skewC11 | Float | |
OptSurface | 313 | skewC12 | Float | |
OptSurface | 316 | skewC13 | Float | |
OptSurface | 319 | skewC14 | Float | |
OptSurface | 322 | skewC15 | Float | |
OptSurface | 325 | skewC16 | Float | |
OptSurface | 328 | skewC17 | Float | |
OptSurface | 331 | skewC18 | Float | |
OptSurface | 334 | skewC19 | Float | |
OptSurface | 337 | skewC20 | Float | |
OptSurface | 340 | skewC21 | Float | |
OptSurface | 343 | skewC22 | Float | |
OptSurface | 346 | skewC23 | Float | |
OptSurface | 349 | skewC24 | Float | |
OptSurface | 352 | skewC25 | Float | |
OptSurface | 355 | skewC26 | Float | |
OptSurface | 358 | skewC27 | Float | |
OptSurface | 361 | skewC28 | Float | |
OptSurface | 364 | ivAdjD07 | Float | xAxis = -5.0 |
OptSurface | 367 | ivAdjD06 | Float | xAxis = -4.0 |
OptSurface | 370 | ivAdjD05 | Float | xAxis = -3.0 |
OptSurface | 373 | ivAdjD04 | Float | xAxis = -2.0 |
OptSurface | 376 | ivAdjD03 | Float | xAxis = -1.5 |
OptSurface | 379 | ivAdjD02 | Float | xAxis = -1.0 |
OptSurface | 382 | ivAdjD01 | Float | xAxis = -0.5 |
OptSurface | 385 | ivAdjU01 | Float | xAxis = +0.5 |
OptSurface | 388 | ivAdjU02 | Float | xAxis = +1.0 |
OptSurface | 391 | ivAdjU03 | Float | xAxis = +1.5 |
OptSurface | 394 | ivAdjU04 | Float | xAxis = +2.0 |
OptSurface | 397 | ivAdjU05 | Float | xAxis = +3.0 |
OptSurface | 400 | ivAdjU06 | Float | xAxis = +4.0 |
OptSurface | 403 | ivAdjU07 | Float | xAxis = +5.0 |
OptSurface | 406 | cpAdjD04 | Float | xAxis = -4.0 |
OptSurface | 409 | cpAdjD03 | Float | xAxis = -3.0 |
OptSurface | 412 | cpAdjD02 | Float | xAxis = -2.0 |
OptSurface | 415 | cpAdjD01 | Float | xAxis = -1.0 |
OptSurface | 418 | cpAdjU01 | Float | xAxis = +1.0 |
OptSurface | 421 | cpAdjU02 | Float | xAxis = +2.0 |
OptSurface | 424 | cpAdjU03 | Float | xAxis = +3.0 |
OptSurface | 427 | cpAdjU04 | Float | xAxis = +4.0 |
OptSurface | 430 | pwidth | Float | minimum mkt premium width |
OptSurface | 433 | vwidth | Float | minimum mkt volatility width |
OptSurface | 436 | cCnt | Byte | num call strikes in base fit |
OptSurface | 439 | pCnt | Byte | num put strikes in base fit |
OptSurface | 442 | cBidMiss | Byte | number of call bid violations (surface outside the market) |
OptSurface | 445 | cAskMiss | Byte | number of call ask violations (surface outside the market) |
OptSurface | 448 | pBidMiss | Byte | number of put bid violations |
OptSurface | 451 | pAskMiss | Byte | number of put ask violations |
OptSurface | 454 | fitAvgErr | Float | average error (sPrc - midPrc) |
OptSurface | 457 | fitAvgAbsErr | Float | average absolute error (sPrc - midPrc) |
OptSurface | 460 | fitMaxPrcErr | Float | worst case surface premium violation |
OptSurface | 463 | fitErrXX | Float | okey_xx of the option with the largest fit error in this expiration |
OptSurface | 466 | fitErrCP | Enum | okey_cp of the option with the largest fit error in this expiration |
OptSurface | 469 | fitErrDe | Float | delta of fixErrXX |
OptSurface | 472 | fitErrBid | Float | bid of the option with the largest fit error |
OptSurface | 475 | fitErrAsk | Float | ask of the option with the largest fit error |
OptSurface | 478 | fitErrPrc | Float | surface prc of the option with the largest fit error |
OptSurface | 481 | fitErrVol | Float | surface vol of the option with the largest fit error |
OptSurface | 484 | numSaddlePts | Byte | number of saddle points |
OptSurface | 487 | minSaddleSpan | Float | smallest distance between saddle points |
OptSurface | 490 | maxSaddleCurvature | Float | maximum saddle point curvature |
OptSurface | 493 | skewCounter | Int | skew surface fit counter |
OptSurface | 496 | sdivCounter | Int | sdiv surface fit counter |
OptSurface | 499 | marketSession | Enum | market session this surface is from |
OptSurface | 502 | tradeableStatus | Enum | indicates whether the surface is currently tradeable or not (all server surface integrity checks pass) |
OptSurface | 505 | surfaceResult | Enum | |
OptSurface | 508 | sTimestamp | DateTime | last surface curve fit timestamp |
OptSurface | 511 | time | TimeSpan | |
OptSurface | 514 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptSurface | 10 | ekey | ExpiryKey | |
OptSurface | 11 | surfaceType | Enum | |
OptSurface | 100 | ticker | TickerKey | underlying stock key that this option expiration attaches to |
OptSurface | 103 | fkey | ExpiryKey | underlying future key (if any) |
OptSurface | 106 | uPrcDriverKey | ExpiryKey | underlier driver key |
OptSurface | 109 | uPrcDriverType | Enum | underlier driver key type (stock or future) |
OptSurface | 112 | uPrcDriver | Double | underlier driver (mid-market) |
OptSurface | 115 | uPrc | Double | effective uPrc used for surface fitting |
OptSurface | 118 | uBid | Double | effective uBid |
OptSurface | 121 | uAsk | Double | effective uAsk |
OptSurface | 124 | years | Float | time to expiration (in years) |
OptSurface | 127 | rate | Float | average interest rate to expiration (SR global rate curve) |
OptSurface | 130 | sdiv | Float | stock dividend (borrow rate) |
OptSurface | 133 | ddiv | Float | (expected) cumulative discrete dividend $ amounts prior to expiration |
OptSurface | 136 | ddivPv | Float | (expected) cumulative npv of discrete dividend $ amounts prior to expiration (SR global rate curve) |
OptSurface | 139 | ddivSource | Enum | Forecast if any of the dividends prior to expiry are forecast rather than announced |
OptSurface | 142 | symbolRatio | Float | underlier price ratio (usually 1.0 or a multi-hedge option price ratio; if one exists) |
OptSurface | 145 | exType | Enum | exercise type (American or European) |
OptSurface | 148 | modelType | Enum | option pricing model used for price calcs (Normal, LogNormal, etc.) |
OptSurface | 151 | priceType | Enum | Equity has independent sdiv and rate, Future has sdiv = rate |
OptSurface | 154 | earnCnt | Float | number of qualifying earnings events prior to expiration [can be fractional] (from StockEarningsCalendar) |
OptSurface | 157 | earnCntAdj | Float | number of qualifying earnings events prior to expiration [adjusted] (from StockEarningsCalendar + LiveSurfaceTerm) |
OptSurface | 160 | axisVolRT | Float | axis volatility x sqrt(years) (used to compute xAxis) [usually the minimum curve volatility] |
OptSurface | 163 | axisFUPrc | Float | axis FwdUPrc (fwd underlying price used to compute xAxis) |
OptSurface | 166 | moneynessType | Enum | moneyness (xAxis) convention |
OptSurface | 169 | priceQuoteType | Enum | Price or Vol |
OptSurface | 172 | atmVol | Float | atm vol (xAxis = 0) |
OptSurface | 175 | atmCen | Float | atm vol (xAxis = 0) (eMove/earnCntAdj censored) |
OptSurface | 178 | atmVolHist | Float | historical realized volatility (includes eMoveHist x earnCntAdj adjustment). Note that this is the default atmVol if no implied markets existed previous day. |
OptSurface | 181 | atmCenHist | Float | censored (earnings events removed) historical realized volatility. Trailing periods is 2x forward time to expiration. From HistoricalVolatility(windowType=hlCen).mv_nnn |
OptSurface | 184 | eMove | Float | implied earnings move (from LiveSurfaceTerm) |
OptSurface | 187 | eMoveHist | Float | historical earnings move (avg of trailing 8 moves). From StockEarningsCalendar.eMoveHist |
OptSurface | 190 | uPrcRatio | Double | uPrcAdj = uPrc * uPrcRatioFit |
OptSurface | 193 | minAtmVol | Float | minimum estimated atm vol |
OptSurface | 196 | maxAtmVol | Float | maximum estimated atm vol |
OptSurface | 199 | minCPAdjVal | Double | minimum cpAdjVal (sdiv or uPrcRatio) |
OptSurface | 202 | maxCPAdjVal | Double | minimum cpAdjVal (sdiv or uPrcRatio) |
OptSurface | 205 | atmFixedMove | Float | fixed strike atm move from prior period |
OptSurface | 208 | atmPhi | Float | surface phi @ xAxis = 0 |
OptSurface | 211 | atmRho | Float | surface rho @ xAxis = 0 |
OptSurface | 214 | atmVega | Float | surface vega @ xAxis = 0 |
OptSurface | 217 | slope | Float | volatility surface slope (dVol / dXAxis) @ ATM (xAxis=0) |
OptSurface | 220 | varSwapFV | Float | variance swap fair value (estimated by numerical integration over OTM price surface) |
OptSurface | 223 | minXAxis | Float | minimum xAxis value; left most point with a valid supporting strike |
OptSurface | 226 | maxXAxis | Float | maximum xAxis value; right most point with a valid supporting strike |
OptSurface | 229 | skewTicker | TickerKey | references a SkewBasisCurve record |
OptSurface | 232 | xShift | Double | |
OptSurface | 235 | xMult | Double | |
OptSurface | 238 | skewMult | Double | SVOL = skewMult * BasisSkewFn(xShift + xMult * xAxis) + IVolBias(xAxis) |
OptSurface | 241 | skewC00 | Float | curve coeff[0] |
OptSurface | 244 | skewC01 | Float | curve coeff[1] |
OptSurface | 247 | skewC02 | Float | |
OptSurface | 250 | skewC03 | Float | |
OptSurface | 253 | skewC04 | Float | |
OptSurface | 256 | skewC05 | Float | |
OptSurface | 259 | skewC06 | Float | |
OptSurface | 262 | skewC07 | Float | |
OptSurface | 265 | skewC08 | Float | |
OptSurface | 268 | skewC09 | Float | |
OptSurface | 271 | skewC10 | Float | |
OptSurface | 274 | skewC11 | Float | |
OptSurface | 277 | skewC12 | Float | |
OptSurface | 280 | skewC13 | Float | |
OptSurface | 283 | skewC14 | Float | |
OptSurface | 286 | skewC15 | Float | |
OptSurface | 289 | skewC16 | Float | |
OptSurface | 292 | skewC17 | Float | |
OptSurface | 295 | skewC18 | Float | |
OptSurface | 298 | skewC19 | Float | |
OptSurface | 301 | skewC20 | Float | |
OptSurface | 304 | skewC21 | Float | |
OptSurface | 307 | skewC22 | Float | |
OptSurface | 310 | skewC23 | Float | |
OptSurface | 313 | skewC24 | Float | |
OptSurface | 316 | skewC25 | Float | |
OptSurface | 319 | skewC26 | Float | |
OptSurface | 322 | skewC27 | Float | |
OptSurface | 325 | skewC28 | Float | |
OptSurface | 328 | skewC29 | Float | |
OptSurface | 331 | skewC30 | Float | |
OptSurface | 334 | cpAdjD04 | Float | xAxis = -4.0 |
OptSurface | 337 | cpAdjD03 | Float | xAxis = -3.0 |
OptSurface | 340 | cpAdjD02 | Float | xAxis = -2.0 |
OptSurface | 343 | cpAdjD01 | Float | xAxis = -1.0 |
OptSurface | 346 | cpAdjU01 | Float | xAxis = +1.0 |
OptSurface | 349 | cpAdjU02 | Float | xAxis = +2.0 |
OptSurface | 352 | cpAdjU03 | Float | xAxis = +3.0 |
OptSurface | 355 | cpAdjU04 | Float | xAxis = +4.0 |
OptSurface | 358 | pwidth | Float | minimum mkt premium width |
OptSurface | 361 | vwidth | Float | minimum mkt volatility width |
OptSurface | 364 | cCnt | Byte | num call strikes in base fit |
OptSurface | 367 | pCnt | Byte | num put strikes in base fit |
OptSurface | 370 | cBidMiss | Byte | number of call bid violations (surface outside the market) |
OptSurface | 373 | cAskMiss | Byte | number of call ask violations (surface outside the market) |
OptSurface | 376 | pBidMiss | Byte | number of put bid violations |
OptSurface | 379 | pAskMiss | Byte | number of put ask violations |
OptSurface | 382 | fitAvgErr | Float | average error (sPrc - midPrc) |
OptSurface | 385 | fitAvgAbsErr | Float | average absolute error (sPrc - midPrc) |
OptSurface | 388 | fitMaxPrcErr | Float | worst case surface premium violation |
OptSurface | 391 | fitErrXX | Float | okey_xx of the option with the largest fit error in this expiration |
OptSurface | 394 | fitErrCP | Enum | okey_cp of the option with the largest fit error in this expiration |
OptSurface | 397 | fitErrDe | Float | delta of fixErrXX |
OptSurface | 400 | fitErrBid | Float | bid of the option with the largest fit error |
OptSurface | 403 | fitErrAsk | Float | ask of the option with the largest fit error |
OptSurface | 406 | fitErrPrc | Float | surface prc of the option with the largest fit error |
OptSurface | 409 | fitErrVol | Float | surface vol of the option with the largest fit error |
OptSurface | 412 | numSaddlePts | Byte | number of saddle points |
OptSurface | 415 | minSaddleSpan | Float | smallest distance between saddle points |
OptSurface | 418 | maxSaddleCurvature | Float | maximum saddle point curvature |
OptSurface | 421 | marketSession | Enum | market session this surface is from |
OptSurface | 424 | tradeableStatus | Enum | indicates whether the surface is currently tradeable or not (all server surface integrity checks pass) |
OptSurface | 427 | surfaceResult | Enum | |
OptSurface | 430 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptSurface | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
OptSurface | 11 | days | Short | days to expiration [5, 21, 42, 63, 84, 105, 126, 189, 252, 378, 504] |
OptSurface | 12 | surfaceType | Enum | |
OptSurface | 100 | date | String | |
OptSurface | 103 | time | String | |
OptSurface | 106 | sDiv | Float | Interpolated implied sdiv rate (from LiveSurfaceFixedTerm.sDiv_N) |
OptSurface | 109 | fwdUPrc | Float | Interpolated implied forward price (from LiveSurfaceFixedTerm.fwdUPrc_N) |
OptSurface | 112 | eCnt | Int | Number of expected earnings dates (from LiveSurfaceFixedTerm.eCnt_N) |
OptSurface | 115 | eMove | Float | Implied earnings move (from LiveSurfaceFixedTerm.eMove) |
OptSurface | 118 | eMoveHist | Float | Historical earnings move (from LiveSurfaceFixedTerm.eMoveHist) |
OptSurface | 121 | volD45 | Float | xde = -45 (censored volatility) |
OptSurface | 124 | volD40 | Float | xde = -40 |
OptSurface | 127 | volD35 | Float | xde = -35 |
OptSurface | 130 | volD30 | Float | xde = -30 |
OptSurface | 133 | volD25 | Float | xde = -25 |
OptSurface | 136 | volD20 | Float | xde = -20 |
OptSurface | 139 | volD15 | Float | xde = -15 |
OptSurface | 142 | volD10 | Float | xde = -10 |
OptSurface | 145 | volD05 | Float | xde = -5 |
OptSurface | 148 | volA00 | Float | xde = 0 |
OptSurface | 151 | volU05 | Float | xde = +5 |
OptSurface | 154 | volU10 | Float | xde = +10 |
OptSurface | 157 | volU15 | Float | xde = +15 |
OptSurface | 160 | volU20 | Float | xde = +20 |
OptSurface | 163 | volU25 | Float | xde = +25 |
OptSurface | 166 | volU30 | Float | xde = +30 |
OptSurface | 169 | volU35 | Float | xde = +35 |
OptSurface | 172 | volU40 | Float | xde = +40 |
OptSurface | 175 | volU45 | Float | xde = +45 |
OptSurface | 178 | vWidth | Float | atm volatility width (from LiveSurfaceFixedTerm.vWidth_N) |
OptSurface | 181 | vSlope | Float | atm volatility slope (from LiveSurfaceFixedTerm.vSlope_N) |
OptSurface | 184 | loYears | Float | LiveSurfaceCurve.years before days [-1 = none] |
OptSurface | 187 | hiYears | Float | LiveSurfaceCurve.years after days [-1 = none] |
OptSurface | 190 | minDelta | Float | minimum valid strike delta |
OptSurface | 193 | maxDelta | Float | maximum valid strike delta |
OptSurface | 196 | timestamp | DateTime | surface fit timestamp |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptSurface | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
OptSurface | 11 | surfaceType | Enum | |
OptSurface | 50 | synSpot | Double | Synthetic spot price (market-derived spot when the underlying is not a traded instrument) |
OptSurface | 100 | hEMove | Float | expected forward earnings move (average of the last 8-12 underlier earnings moves; w/max clipping) |
OptSurface | 103 | hEMoveNum | Byte | num historical earnings moves in historical window |
OptSurface | 106 | hEMoveAvg | Float | avg historical earnings move (last 8-12 underlier earnings moves) |
OptSurface | 109 | hEMoveStd | Float | std historical earnings move (last 8-12 underlier earnings moves) |
OptSurface | 112 | hEMoveMin | Float | max historical earnings move (last 8-12 underlier earnings moves) |
OptSurface | 115 | hEMoveMax | Float | min historical earnings move (last 8-12 underlier earnings moves) |
OptSurface | 118 | iEMove | Float | implied earnings move (implied move; all earnings events) |
OptSurface | 121 | iEFitCode | Enum | implied EFit Code |
OptSurface | 124 | iEFitError | Float | eMove fit error (term surface fit error) |
OptSurface | 127 | expiryCount | Byte | number of actual expirations involved |
OptSurface | 130 | iEMoveAvg | Float | average eMove today |
OptSurface | 133 | iEMoveStd | Float | eMove std dev today |
OptSurface | 136 | iEMoveMin | Float | eMove min today |
OptSurface | 139 | iEMoveMax | Float | emove max today |
OptSurface | 142 | iEMoveCnt | Int | number of surface term fits today |
OptSurface | 145 | eMoveExpAdj1 | Int | number of expirations (+/-) that the next earn date was moved to best fit market term structure (if any) |
OptSurface | 148 | eMoveYrsAdj1 | Float | number of trading years (+/-) that the next earn date was moved to best fit market term structure (if any) |
OptSurface | 151 | eMoveYears1 | Float | years to expiration from LiveSurfaceCurve.pkey.ekey = eMoveFKey1 |
OptSurface | 154 | eMoveEKey1 | ExpiryKey | LiveSurfaceCurve.pkey.ekey immediately after 1st implied earnings move (note: this will not match the base earnings calendar if eMoveDtAdj1 != 0) |
OptSurface | 157 | eMoveExpAdj2 | Int | number of expirations (+/-) that the 2nd earn date was moved to best fit market term structure (if any) |
OptSurface | 160 | eMoveYrsAdj2 | Float | number of trading years (+/-) that the 2nd earn date was moved to best fit market term structure (if any) |
OptSurface | 163 | eMoveYears2 | Float | years to expiration from LiveSurfaceCurve.pkey.fkey = eMoveFKey2 |
OptSurface | 166 | eMoveEKey2 | ExpiryKey | LiveSurfaceCurve.pkey.ekey immediately after 2nd implied earnings move (note: this will not match the base earnings calendar if eMoveDtAdj2 != 0) |
OptSurface | 169 | atmCenI_st | Float | short term (5 day) model atm volatility (censored using iEMult) |
OptSurface | 172 | atmCenI_lt | Float | long term (504 day) model atm volatility |
OptSurface | 175 | atmCenI_decay | Float | model decay parameter |
OptSurface | 178 | atmCenI_5d | Float | Interpolated 5 day atm vol (censored using iEMult) |
OptSurface | 181 | atmCenI_10d | Float | Interpolated 10 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 184 | atmCenI_21d | Float | Interpolated 21 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 187 | atmCenI_42d | Float | Interpolated 42 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 190 | atmCenI_63d | Float | Interpolated 63 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 193 | atmCenI_84d | Float | Interpolated 84 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 196 | atmCenI_105d | Float | Interpolated 105 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 199 | atmCenI_126d | Float | Interpolated 126 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 202 | atmCenI_189d | Float | Interpolated 189 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 205 | atmCenI_252d | Float | Interpolated 252 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 208 | atmCenI_378d | Float | Interpolated 378 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 211 | atmCenI_504d | Float | Interpolated 504 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 214 | atmCenH_st | Float | short term (5 day) model atm volatility (censored using hEMult) |
OptSurface | 217 | atmCenH_lt | Float | long term (504 day) model atm volatility |
OptSurface | 220 | atmCenH_decay | Float | model decay parameter |
OptSurface | 223 | atmCenH_5d | Float | Interpolated 5 day atm vol (censored using hEMult) |
OptSurface | 226 | atmCenH_10d | Float | Interpolated 10 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 229 | atmCenH_21d | Float | Interpolated 21 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 232 | atmCenH_42d | Float | Interpolated 42 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 235 | atmCenH_63d | Float | Interpolated 63 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 238 | atmCenH_84d | Float | Interpolated 84 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 241 | atmCenH_105d | Float | Interpolated 105 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 244 | atmCenH_126d | Float | Interpolated 126 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 247 | atmCenH_189d | Float | Interpolated 189 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 250 | atmCenH_252d | Float | Interpolated 252 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 253 | atmCenH_378d | Float | Interpolated 378 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 256 | atmCenH_504d | Float | Interpolated 504 day atm vol |
OptSurface | 259 | sDiv_5d | Float | Interpolated 5 day implied sdiv rate |
OptSurface | 262 | sDiv_10d | Float | Interpolated 10 day implied sdiv rate |
OptSurface | 265 | sDiv_21d | Float | Interpolated 21 day implied sdiv rate |
OptSurface | 268 | sDiv_42d | Float | Interpolated 42 day implied sdiv rate |
OptSurface | 271 | sDiv_63d | Float | Interpolated 63 day implied sdiv rate |
OptSurface | 274 | sDiv_84d | Float | Interpolated 84 day implied sdiv rate |
OptSurface | 277 | sDiv_105d | Float | Interpolated 105 day implied sdiv rate |
OptSurface | 280 | sDiv_126d | Float | Interpolated 126 day implied sdiv rate |
OptSurface | 283 | sDiv_189d | Float | Interpolated 189 day implied sdiv rate |
OptSurface | 286 | sDiv_252d | Float | Interpolated 252 day implied sdiv rate |
OptSurface | 289 | sDiv_378d | Float | Interpolated 378 day implied sdiv rate |
OptSurface | 292 | sDiv_504d | Float | Interpolated 504 day implied sdiv rate |
OptSurface | 295 | fwdUPrc_5d | Float | Interpolated 5 day implied forward price |
OptSurface | 298 | fwdUPrc_10d | Float | Interpolated 10 day implied forward price |
OptSurface | 301 | fwdUPrc_21d | Float | Interpolated 21 day implied forward price |
OptSurface | 304 | fwdUPrc_42d | Float | Interpolated 42 day implied forward price |
OptSurface | 307 | fwdUPrc_63d | Float | Interpolated 63 day implied forward price |
OptSurface | 310 | fwdUPrc_84d | Float | Interpolated 84 day implied forward price |
OptSurface | 313 | fwdUPrc_105d | Float | Interpolated 105 day implied forward price |
OptSurface | 316 | fwdUPrc_126d | Float | Interpolated 126 day implied forward price |
OptSurface | 319 | fwdUPrc_189d | Float | Interpolated 189 day implied forward price |
OptSurface | 322 | fwdUPrc_252d | Float | Interpolated 252 day implied forward price |
OptSurface | 325 | fwdUPrc_378d | Float | Interpolated 378 day implied forward price |
OptSurface | 328 | fwdUPrc_504d | Float | Interpolated 504 day implied forward price |
OptSurface | 331 | vWidth_5d | Float | Interpolated 5 day market vwidth |
OptSurface | 334 | vWidth_10d | Float | Interpolated 10 day market vwidth |
OptSurface | 337 | vWidth_21d | Float | Interpolated 21 day market vwidth |
OptSurface | 340 | vWidth_42d | Float | Interpolated 42 day market vwidth |
OptSurface | 343 | vWidth_63d | Float | Interpolated 63 day market vwidth |
OptSurface | 346 | vWidth_84d | Float | Interpolated 84 day market vwidth |
OptSurface | 349 | vWidth_105d | Float | Interpolated 105 day market vwidth |
OptSurface | 352 | vWidth_126d | Float | Interpolated 126 day market vwidth |
OptSurface | 355 | vWidth_189d | Float | Interpolated 189 day market vwidth |
OptSurface | 358 | vWidth_252d | Float | Interpolated 252 day market vwidth |
OptSurface | 361 | vWidth_378d | Float | Interpolated 378 day market vwidth |
OptSurface | 364 | vWidth_504d | Float | Interpolated 504 day market vwidth |
OptSurface | 367 | vSlope_5d | Float | Interpolated 5 day atm vol slope |
OptSurface | 370 | vSlope_10d | Float | Interpolated 10 day atm vol slope |
OptSurface | 373 | vSlope_21d | Float | Interpolated 21 day atm vol slope |
OptSurface | 376 | vSlope_42d | Float | Interpolated 42 day atm vol slope |
OptSurface | 379 | vSlope_63d | Float | Interpolated 63 day atm vol slope |
OptSurface | 382 | vSlope_84d | Float | Interpolated 84 day atm vol slope |
OptSurface | 385 | vSlope_105d | Float | Interpolated 105 day atm vol slope |
OptSurface | 388 | vSlope_126d | Float | Interpolated 126 day atm vol slope |
OptSurface | 391 | vSlope_189d | Float | Interpolated 189 day atm vol slope |
OptSurface | 394 | vSlope_252d | Float | Interpolated 252 day atm vol slope |
OptSurface | 397 | vSlope_378d | Float | Interpolated 378 day atm vol slope |
OptSurface | 400 | vSlope_504d | Float | Interpolated 504 day atm vol slope |
OptSurface | 403 | eCnt_5d | Byte | number of expected earnings events |
OptSurface | 406 | eCnt_10d | Byte | number of expected earnings events |
OptSurface | 409 | eCnt_21d | Byte | number of expected earnings events |
OptSurface | 412 | eCnt_42d | Byte | number of expected earnings events |
OptSurface | 415 | eCnt_63d | Byte | number of expected earnings events |
OptSurface | 418 | eCnt_84d | Byte | number of expected earnings events |
OptSurface | 421 | eCnt_105d | Byte | number of expected earnings events |
OptSurface | 424 | eCnt_126d | Byte | number of expected earnings events |
OptSurface | 427 | eCnt_189d | Byte | number of expected earnings events |
OptSurface | 430 | eCnt_252d | Byte | number of expected earnings events |
OptSurface | 433 | eCnt_378d | Byte | number of expected earnings events |
OptSurface | 436 | eCnt_504d | Byte | number of expected earnings events |
OptSurface | 439 | status | Enum | |
OptSurface | 442 | time | TimeSpan | |
OptSurface | 445 | timestamp | DateTime | update timestamp |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkWs | 100 | state | Enum | |
MLinkWs | 103 | detail | Text1 |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkRest | 100 | count | Long |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkWs | 100 | msgType | UShort | message type of the data object being ack’d |
MLinkWs | 103 | sendTs | Long | send timestamp of the data object being ack’d (note: MessageType + SendTimestamp should be unique) |
MLinkWs | 106 | result | Enum | |
MLinkWs | 109 | detail | Text1 |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkWs | 100 | seqNum | Int | |
MLinkWs | 103 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkWs | 100 | userName | Text1 | SR UserName |
MLinkWs | 103 | password | Text1 | client supplied secret (optional; required if supplied previously) |
MLinkWs | 106 | pin | String | SR Mfa Pin |
MLinkWs | 109 | apiKey | String | SR generated API key |
MLinkWs | 112 | jwtToken | Text1 | Cognito JWT token |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkWs | 100 | sessionID | Short | (optional) subscription sessionID (if missing or -1 will signal all sessionIDs for this websocket connection) |
MLinkWs | 103 | signalID | Long | (optional) will be reflected back in xCheckPt.signalID fields that indicates that a specified signal ready triggered active send is complete. |
MLinkWs | 106 | readyScan | Enum | (optional; default is Incremental) Incremental = messages w/changes (all fields; cumulative changes) since previous MLinkSignalReady; FullScan = all messages |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description | |
MLinkWs | 100 | msgName | String | (required) a SpiderRock message name (topic channel) (can be string name or protobuf message number) | |
MLinkWs | 103 | where | Text2 | (optional) where clause; eg. “(bidexch:eq:AMEX | bidexch:eq:CBOE) & bidsize:ge:100” (default is all records) |
MLinkWs | 106 | view | Text2 | (optional) list (subset) of field names to return with this message (eg. bidprice,askprice,bidsize,asksize) (default is all names) | |
MLinkWs | 109 | unsubscribe | Enum | (optional) if set to Yes the specified message type will be unsubscribed and thus no longer return | |
MLinkWs | 112 | sessionID | Short | (optional) actions below apply only to the sessionID virtual session; should be zero for non-multiplexed web-socket connections. | |
MLinkWs | 115 | queryID | Long | (optional) queryID will be reflected back in the corresponding MLinkStreamAck message; nothing is assumed about structure of this number | |
MLinkWs | 118 | queryLabel | String | (optional) query label; used for logging and query tracking | |
MLinkWs | 121 | activeLatency | Int | (optional) number of milliseconds between active send attempts (1 = minimum delay, 0 = wait for SignalReady) [default = 0] | |
MLinkWs | 124 | sysEnvironment | Enum | (optional) records cannot have [sysEnvironment + sysRealm] in their route history (no loops) | |
MLinkWs | 127 | sysRealm | Enum | ||
MLinkWs | 130 | highwaterTs | Long | (optional) records must have a header.sentTs that is later than this value (nanoseconds after the UNIX epoch) [-1 means start from current server side highwaterTs] | |
MLinkWs | 133 | stripeFilter | Text1 | (optional) if supplied records must be within the specified stripe | |
MLinkWs | 136 | schemaHash | Long | (optional) message schema hash [if supplied and matches server schema hash for this message binary encoding will be used] | |
MLinkWs | 139 | localMsgType | UShort | (optional) if != 0 the msgType number will be translated from msgType to localMsgType in the mlink server (protobuf and binary messages) | |
MLinkWs | 142 | localMsgName | String | (optional) if exists the message name will be translated from msgName to localMsgName in the mlink server (json messages) |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkWs | 100 | sessionID | Short | from MLinkStream.sessionID |
MLinkWs | 103 | queryID | Long | from MLinkStream.queryID |
MLinkWs | 106 | querySendTs | Long | MLinkStream.header.sentTs (should be unique) |
MLinkWs | 109 | queryLabel | String | from MLinkStream.queryLabel |
MLinkWs | 112 | unsubscribe | Enum | from MLinkStream.unsubscribe |
MLinkWs | 115 | msgName | String | (required) a SpiderRock message name (topic channel) (can be string name or protobuf message number) |
MLinkWs | 118 | result | Enum | |
MLinkWs | 121 | detail | String |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkWs | 100 | sessionID | Short | from MLinkStream.sessionID |
MLinkWs | 103 | queryID | Long | from MLinkStream.queryID |
MLinkWs | 106 | signalID | Long | from MLinkSignalReady.signalID (if send sequence triggered by an MLinkSignalReady message) |
MLinkWs | 109 | state | Enum | |
MLinkWs | 112 | detail | Text1 | |
MLinkWs | 115 | highwaterTs | Long | |
MLinkWs | 118 | numBytesSent | Long | |
MLinkWs | 121 | numMessagesSent | Int | |
MLinkWs | 124 | waitElapsed | Double | wait time between active send operations (SRC or timer) |
MLinkWs | 127 | queryElapsed | Double | total time spent in active send loop |
MLinkWs | 130 | tryFwdElapsed | Double | total time spent scan/skipping |
MLinkWs | 133 | sendElapsed | Double | total time spend encoding/copying to send buffer |
MLinkWs | 136 | flushElapsed | Double | total time spend sending/blocking on web socket |
MLinkWs | 139 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkWs | 100 | sessionID | Short | (optional) actions below apply only to the sessionID virtual channel; should be zero for non-multiplexed web-socket connections. |
MLinkWs | 103 | subscribeID | Long | (optional) subscribeD will be reflected back in the corresponding MLinkSubscribeAck message; nothing is assumed about structure of this number |
MLinkWs | 106 | activeLatency | Int | (optional) number of milliseconds between active send attempts (1 = minimum delay, 0 = wait for SignalReady) [default = 0] |
MLinkWs | 109 | compression | Enum | (optional) FieldChangesOnly will supress fields in messages that have not changed since the previous send (resets automatically after every subscription) |
MLinkWs | 112 | doReset | Enum | if Yes all current subscriptions will be removed prior to applying the actions below |
MLinkWs | 133 | Subscribe | Repeater | |
MLinkWs | 136 | msgName | String | (required) a SpiderRock message name (topic channel) (can be string name or protobuf message number) |
MLinkWs | 139 | msgPKey | String | (required) must be an existing message.pkey; can be in either flat string or JSON format |
MLinkWs | 124 | Unsubscribe | Repeater | |
MLinkWs | 127 | msgName | String | (required) a SpiderRock message name (topic channel) (can be string name or protobuf message number) |
MLinkWs | 130 | msgPKey | String | # an existing message.pkey; can be in either flat string or JSON format; if missing/empty all active msgName subscriptions will be removed |
MLinkWs | 115 | View | Repeater | |
MLinkWs | 118 | msgName | String | a SpiderRock message name (topic channel) (can be string name or protobuf message number) |
MLinkWs | 121 | view | String | list (subset) of field names to return with this message type (eg. bidprice,askprice,bidsize,asksize) |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkWs | 100 | sessionID | Short | from MLinkSubscribe.sessionID |
MLinkWs | 103 | subscribeID | Long | from MLinkSubscribe.subscribeID |
MLinkWs | 106 | numActiveSubscriptions | Int | |
MLinkWs | 109 | didReset | Enum | if Yes all current subscriptions were removed prior to applying the actions below |
MLinkWs | 139 | Subscribe | Repeater | |
MLinkWs | 142 | msgName | String | (required) a SpiderRock message name (topic channel) |
MLinkWs | 145 | msgPKey | String | (required) must be an existing message.pkey; can be in either flat string or JSON format |
MLinkWs | 148 | result | Enum | |
MLinkWs | 151 | detail | String | |
MLinkWs | 127 | Unsubscribe | Repeater | |
MLinkWs | 130 | msgName | String | (required) a SpiderRock message name (topic channel) |
MLinkWs | 133 | msgPKey | String | an existing message.pkey; can be in either flat string or JSON format; if missing/empty all active msgName subscriptions will be removed |
MLinkWs | 136 | result | Enum | |
MLinkWs | 112 | View | Repeater | |
MLinkWs | 115 | msgName | String | a SpiderRock message name (topic channel) (can be string name or protobuf message number) |
MLinkWs | 118 | view | String | list (subset) of field names to return with this message type (eg. bidprice,askprice,bidsize,asksize) |
MLinkWs | 121 | result | Enum | |
MLinkWs | 124 | detail | String |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkWs | 100 | sessionID | Short | from MLinkSubscribe.sessionID |
MLinkWs | 103 | subscribeID | Long | from MLinkSubscribe.subscribeID |
MLinkWs | 106 | signalID | Long | MLinkSignalReady.signalID (if send sequence triggered by an MLinkSignalReady message) |
MLinkWs | 109 | state | Enum | |
MLinkWs | 112 | detail | Text1 |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkRest | 100 | name | String | message name |
MLinkRest | 103 | mNum | UShort | protobuf message number |
MLinkRest | 106 | schemaHash | String | schema hash (changes each time the schema is modified) |
MLinkRest | 109 | actions | String | ’SIURD’ |
MLinkRest | 112 | hasTKey | Enum | message contains a ‘TickerKey’ x-ray field |
MLinkRest | 115 | hasEKey | Enum | message contains an ‘ExpiryKey’ x-ray field |
MLinkRest | 118 | hasOKey | Enum | message contains an ‘OptionKey’ x-ray field |
MLinkRest | 121 | hasCF | Enum | message has a ‘ClientFirm’ fields (message has client firm visiblity restrictions) |
MLinkRest | 124 | mToken | Enum | the mlink token this message is associated with |
MLinkRest | 127 | desc | Text2 | message description (if any) |
MLinkRest | 130 | priTimeField | String | this is the primary time field for the time control and histogram |
MLinkRest | 133 | secTimeField | String | this is the Top10 field for the stacked bar / label on the time control histogram (blank if none) |
MLinkRest | 136 | defaultGridFields | Text2 | comma separated list of (default) visible grid fields (in grid order) |
MLinkRest | 139 | staticFilterFields | Text2 | comma separated list of (default) static filter fields (in display order) |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkRest | 100 | expiryKey | ExpiryKey |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkRest | 100 | optionKey | OptionKey |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkRest | 100 | tickerKey | TickerKey |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptionDefinition | 10 | opraPrintType | Byte | |
OptionDefinition | 100 | printTypeChar | String | character value of printType |
OptionDefinition | 103 | printCode | String | eg, AUTO, CANC |
OptionDefinition | 106 | printCodeString | Text1 | longer string |
OptionDefinition | 109 | printCodeDescription | Text1 | full description |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptionDefinition | 10 | ekey | ExpiryKey | option root+expiration |
OptionDefinition | 100 | ticker | TickerKey | master ticker |
OptionDefinition | 103 | fkey | ExpiryKey | settlement future (if any) |
OptionDefinition | 106 | uPrcDriverKey | ExpiryKey | underlier price driver for this option expiry (default is fkey; if it exists) |
OptionDefinition | 109 | uPrcDriverKeyType | Enum | Stock or Future |
OptionDefinition | 112 | uPrcBoundFKey | ExpiryKey | underlier price bounding future (if any) for this option expiry |
OptionDefinition | 115 | expiration | DateTime | option expiration date and time |
OptionDefinition | 118 | maturityDate | DateTime | |
OptionDefinition | 121 | displayFactor | Double | |
OptionDefinition | 124 | cabPrice | Double | |
OptionDefinition | 127 | priceFormat | Enum | |
OptionDefinition | 130 | minTickSize | Double | |
OptionDefinition | 133 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptSurface | 10 | ekey | ExpiryKey | |
OptSurface | 11 | tradingDate | DateTime | |
OptSurface | 12 | minute | Int | minutes since 2000-01-01 |
OptSurface | 100 | ticker | TickerKey | |
OptSurface | 103 | startTime | DateTime | Start of trading period for this product (note: this field will only be populated in the first message sent) |
OptSurface | 106 | startTimeMinute | String | Minute representation of startTime (note: this field will only be populated in the first message sent) |
OptSurface | 109 | endTime | DateTime | End of trading period for this product (note: this field will only be populated in the first message sent) |
OptSurface | 112 | endTimeMinute | String | Minute representation of endTime (note: this field will only be populated in the first message sent) |
OptSurface | 115 | uPrc | Double | Underlying price |
OptSurface | 118 | years | Float | Years to expiry |
OptSurface | 121 | rate | Float | Interest rate |
OptSurface | 124 | sdiv | Float | Continuous stock dividend |
OptSurface | 127 | ddiv | Float | Discrete stock dividend value |
OptSurface | 130 | uPrcRatio | Double | Implied underlying price offset. For options with futures underlyings, this is like sDiv for futures. |
OptSurface | 133 | ivol | Float | atm ivol (atm: strike = fUPrc) |
OptSurface | 136 | ivxx | Float | fixed strike ivol (ivol @ refStrike) |
OptSurface | 139 | ivCen | Float | atm ivol (atm: strike = fUPrc) [eMove/earnings censored] |
OptSurface | 142 | slope | Float | dVol / dXAxis |
OptSurface | 145 | vWidth | Float | implied volatility width (best market) |
OptSurface | 148 | refStrike | Float | reference strike (usually prior day closing uPrc) |
OptSurface | 151 | ivolHi | Float | Implied Volatility high value (during bar) |
OptSurface | 154 | ivolLo | Float | Implied Volatility low value (during bar) |
OptSurface | 157 | ivxxHi | Float | Implied Volatility of Previous Day’s ATM strike, high value (during bar) |
OptSurface | 160 | ivxxLo | Float | Implied Volatility of Previous Day’s ATM strike, low value (during bar) |
OptSurface | 163 | ivCenHi | Float | Censored implied volatility high value (during bar) |
OptSurface | 166 | ivCenLo | Float | Censored implied volatility low value (during bar) |
OptSurface | 169 | sdivHi | Float | Continuous carry rate, high value (during bar) |
OptSurface | 172 | sdivLo | Float | Continuous carry rate, low value (during bar) |
OptSurface | 175 | uPrcRatioHi | Double | Underlying price offset value, high value (during bar) |
OptSurface | 178 | uPrcRatioLo | Double | Underlying price offset value, low value (during bar) |
OptSurface | 181 | slopeHi | Float | Slope high value (during bar). The difference between the put and call at 1/2 standard deviation from the ATM point. |
OptSurface | 184 | slopeLo | Float | Slope low value (during bar). The difference between the put and call at 1/2 standard deviation from the ATM point. |
OptSurface | 187 | varSwapFV | Float | variance swap fair value (estimated by numerical integration over OTM price surface) |
OptSurface | 190 | maxDIVol | Float | maximum change in IVol (between LSA rec publishes) |
OptSurface | 193 | maxDSDiv | Float | maximum change is SDiv (between LSA rec publishes) |
OptSurface | 196 | uPrcSPY | Double | SPY underlying price |
OptSurface | 199 | ivolSPY | Float | SPY atm ivol |
OptSurface | 202 | ivxxSPY | Float | SPY fixed strike ivol |
OptSurface | 205 | marketSegment | Enum | |
OptSurface | 208 | ts | DateTime | last update time (Date) |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptMarkData | 10 | okey | OptionKey | |
OptMarkData | 100 | tradeDate | DateKey | |
OptMarkData | 103 | clsMarkState | Enum | LastPrt = last print received; SRClose = SpiderRock snapshot; ExchClose = official exchange close price; Final = Final close mark |
OptMarkData | 106 | uBid | Double | SpiderRock closing underlier bid (C - 1m) |
OptMarkData | 109 | uAsk | Double | SpiderRock closing underlier ask (C - 1m) |
OptMarkData | 112 | uSrCls | Double | SpiderRock underlier closing mark (C - 1m) |
OptMarkData | 115 | uClose | Double | exchange underlier closing mark |
OptMarkData | 118 | bidPrc | Float | SpiderRock closing option bid (C - 1m) |
OptMarkData | 121 | askPrc | Float | SpiderRock closing option ask (C - 1m) |
OptMarkData | 124 | srClsPrc | Double | SpiderRock close mark (close - 1min) |
OptMarkData | 127 | closePrc | Double | official exchange closing mark (last print;then official close) |
OptMarkData | 130 | hasSRClsPrc | Enum | |
OptMarkData | 133 | hasClosePrc | Enum | |
OptMarkData | 136 | bidIV | Float | implied vol of SpiderRock closing bid price (C - 1m) |
OptMarkData | 139 | askIV | Float | implied vol of SpiderRock closing ask price (C - 1m) |
OptMarkData | 142 | srPrc | Float | SpiderRock surface price (always within bidPx/askPx) (C - 1m) |
OptMarkData | 145 | srVol | Float | SpiderRock surface volatility (C - 1m) |
OptMarkData | 148 | srSrc | Enum | SpiderRock price source [NbboMid, SRVol, LoBound, HiBound, SRPricer, SRQuote, CloseMark] |
OptMarkData | 151 | de | Float | delta (SR surface) |
OptMarkData | 154 | ga | Float | gamma (SR surface) |
OptMarkData | 157 | th | Float | theta (SR surface) |
OptMarkData | 160 | ve | Float | vega (SR surface) |
OptMarkData | 163 | vo | Float | volga (SR surface) |
OptMarkData | 166 | va | Float | vanna (SR surface) |
OptMarkData | 169 | rh | Float | rho (SR surrface) |
OptMarkData | 172 | ph | Float | phi (SR surface) |
OptMarkData | 175 | srSlope | Float | surface slope (SR surface) |
OptMarkData | 178 | deDecay | Float | delta decay (SR surface) |
OptMarkData | 181 | sdiv | Float | SpiderRock sdiv rate |
OptMarkData | 184 | ddiv | Float | SpiderRock ddiv rate (sum of discrete dividend amounts) |
OptMarkData | 187 | rate | Float | SpiderRock interest rate |
OptMarkData | 190 | years | Float | years to expiration |
OptMarkData | 193 | error | Byte | SpiderRock pricing library calculation error code |
OptMarkData | 196 | openInterest | Int | Open Interest |
OptMarkData | 199 | prtCount | Int | print count |
OptMarkData | 202 | prtVolume | Int | total printed volume |
OptMarkData | 205 | srCloseMarkDttm | DateTime | from MarketCloseQuote.srCloseMarkDttm |
OptMarkData | 208 | timestamp | DateTime | record timestamp |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptMktData | 10 | sequenceNumber | Int | sequence of the flex event message counting from the start of day or last restart of the feed handler |
OptMktData | 100 | eventId | Int | unique id of the event assigned by SpiderRock, subsequent messages on the event will use the same id |
OptMktData | 103 | prtExch | Enum | exchange code that produced this flex event |
OptMktData | 106 | prtRoot | String | security symbol of the FLEX option |
OptMktData | 109 | requestId | Int | request identifier associated with this trade assigned by the exchange (these appear to not be 100% reliable, particularly for PHLX) |
OptMktData | 112 | eventType | Enum | type of event this message represents, e.g., RFQ, QTE, LST |
OptMktData | 115 | totalQuantity | Int | total quantity of the flex trade |
OptMktData | 118 | packagePrice | Double | total price of the flex trade inclusive of all legs |
OptMktData | 121 | netTimestamp | Long | timestamp of when this message was received |
OptMktData | 124 | srcTimestamp | Long | timestamp from the exchange of when this message was sent |
OptMktData | 127 | Legs | Repeater | |
OptMktData | 130 | okey | OptionKey | OptionKey of the instrument, if available |
OptMktData | 133 | flexType | Enum | European or American exercise, AM or PM exercise time |
OptMktData | 136 | quantity | Int | quantity of contracts in this leg of the event |
OptMktData | 139 | price | Double | price of this leg of the event, could be quoted in percentage of closing price |
OptMktData | 142 | priceType | Enum | price type of the event |
OptMktData | 145 | delta | Double | delta supplied with the event for delta adjusted at close events |
OptMktData | 148 | refPrice | Double | reference price of the event, for use in delta ajusting the final price |
OptMktData | 151 | closePrice | Double | close price used for both percentage adjusted and delta adjusted events |
OptMktData | 154 | priceAdj | Double | final adjusted price, made available after the event is marked as PctAdjApplied or DeltaAdjApplied |
OptMktData | 157 | strikeAdj | Double | final adjusted strike, made available after the event is marked PctAdjApplied |
OptMktData | 160 | bidPrice | Double | bid price from QTE messages |
OptMktData | 163 | bidSize | Double | bid size from QTE messages |
OptMktData | 166 | askPrice | Double | ask price from QTE messages |
OptMktData | 169 | askSize | Double | ask size from QTE messages |
OptMktData | 172 | rawText | String | raw text of the flex event |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptSummaryData | 10 | okey | OptionKey | |
OptSummaryData | 100 | opnPrice | Double | start of day (SR) open mark |
OptSummaryData | 103 | opnVolatility | Double | start of day (SR) open mark (volatility) |
OptSummaryData | 106 | clsPrice | Double | end of day (SR) close mark |
OptSummaryData | 109 | clsVolatility | Double | end of day (SR) close mark (volatility) |
OptSummaryData | 112 | minPrtPrc | Double | minimum print price within market hours |
OptSummaryData | 115 | minPrtVol | Double | minimum print volatility within market hours |
OptSummaryData | 118 | maxPrtPrc | Double | maximum print price within market hours |
OptSummaryData | 121 | maxPrtVol | Double | maximum print volatility within market hours |
OptSummaryData | 124 | openInterest | Int | |
OptSummaryData | 127 | bidCount | Int | num prints less than or equals to SR surface mark |
OptSummaryData | 130 | bidVolume | Int | volume when prtPrice less than or equals to quote.bid |
OptSummaryData | 133 | askCount | Int | num prints greater than or equals to SR surface mark |
OptSummaryData | 136 | askVolume | Int | volume when prtPrice greater than or equals to quote.ask |
OptSummaryData | 139 | midCount | Int | num prints inside quote.ebid / quote.eask |
OptSummaryData | 142 | midVolume | Int | volume inside quote.ebid / quote.eask |
OptSummaryData | 145 | prtCount | Int | number of distinct print reports |
OptSummaryData | 148 | lastPrtPrice | Double | last print price |
OptSummaryData | 151 | lastPrtVolatility | Float | last print volatility |
OptSummaryData | 154 | avgWidth | Double | average market width (time weighted) |
OptSummaryData | 157 | avgBidSize | Float | average bid size (time weighted) |
OptSummaryData | 160 | avgAskSize | Float | average ask size (time weighted) |
OptSummaryData | 163 | lastPrint | DateTime | |
OptSummaryData | 166 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptMktData | 10 | okey | OptionKey | |
OptMktData | 100 | updateType | Enum | |
OptMktData | 103 | bidPrice | Float | bid price |
OptMktData | 106 | askPrice | Float | ask price |
OptMktData | 109 | bidSize | Int | bid size in contracts (largest exch quote) |
OptMktData | 112 | askSize | Int | ask size in contracts (largest exch quote) |
OptMktData | 115 | cumBidSize | Int | bid size in contracts (total nbbo size) |
OptMktData | 118 | cumAskSize | Int | ask size in contracts (total nbbo size) |
OptMktData | 121 | bidExch | Enum | first (or largest remaining) exchange at bid price |
OptMktData | 124 | askExch | Enum | first (or largest remaining) exchange at ask price |
OptMktData | 127 | bidMask | UInt | exchange bid bit mask |
OptMktData | 130 | askMask | UInt | exchange ask bit mask |
OptMktData | 133 | bidMktType | Flag | bid side quote flags (if any) |
OptMktData | 136 | askMktType | Flag | ask side quote flags (if any) |
OptMktData | 139 | bidPrice2 | Float | 2nd best bid price |
OptMktData | 142 | askPrice2 | Float | 2nd best ask price |
OptMktData | 145 | cumBidSize2 | Int | cumulative size at 2nd price |
OptMktData | 148 | cumAskSize2 | Int | cumulative size at 2nd price |
OptMktData | 151 | bidTime | Int | last bid price change (milliseconds since midnight) calculated from the srcTimestamp |
OptMktData | 154 | askTime | Int | last ask price change (milliseconds since midnight) calculated from the srcTimestamp |
OptMktData | 157 | srcTimestamp | Long | source high precision timestamp (if available) |
OptMktData | 160 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch;usually syncronized with facility grandfather clock |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptMarkData | 10 | okey | OptionKey | |
OptMarkData | 100 | openInt | Int | |
OptMarkData | 103 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptMarkData | 10 | okey | OptionKey | |
OptMarkData | 100 | tradeDate | DateKey | |
OptMarkData | 103 | uBid | Double | SR open uBid; (SR close uBid overnight adjusted) |
OptMarkData | 106 | uAsk | Double | SR open uAsk; (SR close uAsk overnight adjusted) |
OptMarkData | 109 | uSrCls | Double | SR open uMark; [SR close uMark (C - 1m) overnight adjusted] |
OptMarkData | 112 | uClose | Double | exchange open uMark; [exchange close uMark overnight adjusted] |
OptMarkData | 115 | bidPrc | Float | SR open bid; [SR close bid overnight adjusted] |
OptMarkData | 118 | askPrc | Float | SR open ask; [SR close ask overnight adjusted] |
OptMarkData | 121 | srClsPrc | Double | SR open mark; [SR close mark (close - 1min) overnight adjusted] |
OptMarkData | 124 | closePrc | Double | exchange open mark; [exchange close mark overnight adjusted] [if available] |
OptMarkData | 127 | bidIV | Float | implied vol of SR closing bid price |
OptMarkData | 130 | askIV | Float | implied vol of SR closing ask price |
OptMarkData | 133 | srPrc | Float | SR open surface price; [SR close surface price overnight adjusted] |
OptMarkData | 136 | srVol | Float | SR surface volatility |
OptMarkData | 139 | srSrc | Enum | |
OptMarkData | 142 | de | Float | greeks from SR surface volatility |
OptMarkData | 145 | ga | Float | |
OptMarkData | 148 | th | Float | |
OptMarkData | 151 | ve | Float | |
OptMarkData | 154 | vo | Float | volga (SR surface) |
OptMarkData | 157 | va | Float | vanna (SR surface) |
OptMarkData | 160 | rh | Float | |
OptMarkData | 163 | ph | Float | |
OptMarkData | 166 | srSlope | Float | surface slope (SR surface) |
OptMarkData | 169 | deDecay | Float | |
OptMarkData | 172 | sdiv | Float | SR live sdiv rate |
OptMarkData | 175 | ddiv | Float | SR live ddiv rate |
OptMarkData | 178 | rate | Float | SR live int rate |
OptMarkData | 181 | years | Float | years to expiration |
OptMarkData | 184 | error | Byte | SRPricingLib.CalcError |
OptMarkData | 187 | corpAction | Text1 | |
OptMarkData | 190 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptMktData | 10 | okey | OptionKey | |
OptMktData | 100 | prtExch | Enum | |
OptMktData | 103 | prtSize | Int | print size [contracts] |
OptMktData | 106 | prtPrice | Float | print price |
OptMktData | 109 | prtClusterNum | Int | incremental print cluster counter (one counter per okey; used to group prints into clusters) |
OptMktData | 112 | prtClusterSize | Int | cumulative size of prints in this sequence (sequence of prints @ same or more aggressive price with less than 25 ms elapsing since first print; can span exchanges) |
OptMktData | 115 | prtType | Enum | print type |
OptMktData | 118 | prtOrders | UShort | number of participating orders |
OptMktData | 121 | prtVolume | Int | day print volume in contracts [this exchange] |
OptMktData | 124 | cxlVolume | Int | day print/cancel volume (num of contracts printed and then cancelled) |
OptMktData | 127 | bidCount | UShort | number of bid prints |
OptMktData | 130 | askCount | UShort | number of ask prints |
OptMktData | 133 | bidVolume | Int | bid print volume in contracts |
OptMktData | 136 | askVolume | Int | ask print volume in contracts |
OptMktData | 139 | ebid | Float | exchange bid (@ print time) |
OptMktData | 142 | eask | Float | exchange ask (@ print time) |
OptMktData | 145 | ebsz | Int | exchange bid size |
OptMktData | 148 | easz | Int | exchange ask size |
OptMktData | 151 | eage | Float | age of prevailing quote at time of print |
OptMktData | 154 | bidPrice | Float | nbbo bid price (@ print time) |
OptMktData | 157 | askPrice | Float | nbbo ask price (@ print time) |
OptMktData | 160 | bidPrice2 | Float | 2nd best bid price (@ print time) |
OptMktData | 163 | askPrice2 | Float | 2nd best ask price (@ print time) |
OptMktData | 166 | bidSize | Int | bid size in contracts (largest exch quote) |
OptMktData | 169 | askSize | Int | ask size in contracts (largest exch quote) |
OptMktData | 172 | cumBidSize | Int | bid size in contracts (total nbbo size) |
OptMktData | 175 | cumAskSize | Int | ask size in contracts (total nbbo size) |
OptMktData | 178 | cumBidSize2 | Int | cumulative size at 2nd price |
OptMktData | 181 | cumAskSize2 | Int | cumulative size at 2nd price |
OptMktData | 184 | bidMask | UInt | exchange bid bit mask |
OptMktData | 187 | askMask | UInt | exchange ask bit mask |
OptMktData | 190 | prtSide | Enum | implied print side (based on ebid/eask and nbbo market) |
OptMktData | 193 | prtTimestamp | Long | exchange high precision timestamp (if available) |
OptMktData | 196 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch;usually syncronized with facility grandfather clock |
OptMktData | 199 | oqNetTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch;usually syncronized with facility grandfather clock |
OptMktData | 202 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptProbModel | 10 | okey | OptionKey | |
OptProbModel | 11 | stateModel | Enum | |
OptProbModel | 100 | prtPrice | Float | |
OptProbModel | 103 | prtSize | Int | |
OptProbModel | 106 | prtProb | Float | probability that this print will result in positive PnL |
OptProbModel | 109 | prtSide | Enum | |
OptProbModel | 112 | bidPrice | Float | nbbo bid price |
OptProbModel | 115 | askPrice | Float | nbbo ask price |
OptProbModel | 118 | bidSize | Int | cumulative size @ bid price |
OptProbModel | 121 | askSize | Int | cumulative size @ ask price |
OptProbModel | 124 | avgBLink1m | Float | average buy link value (trailing 10) |
OptProbModel | 127 | maeBLink1m | Float | buy link value mean abs err (trailing 1000) |
OptProbModel | 130 | avgSLink1m | Float | average sell link value (trailing 10) |
OptProbModel | 133 | maeSLink1m | Float | sell link value mean abs err (trailing 1000) |
OptProbModel | 136 | avgBLink10m | Float | average buy link value (trailing 100) |
OptProbModel | 139 | maeBLink10m | Float | bid link value mean abs err (trailing 1000) |
OptProbModel | 142 | avgSLink10m | Float | average ask link value (trailing 100) |
OptProbModel | 145 | maeSLink10m | Float | ask link value mean abs err (trailing 1000) |
OptProbModel | 148 | bCounter | Int | buy counter |
OptProbModel | 151 | sCounter | Int | sell counter |
OptProbModel | 154 | prtTimestamp | Long | feed timestamp from the packet |
OptProbModel | 157 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch (from OptionPrint) |
OptProbModel | 160 | smsTimestamp | Long | state model server timestamp (just before publish) |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptAnalytics | 10 | okey | OptionKey | |
OptAnalytics | 11 | prtNumber | Long | Unique print set identifier, will increment but not guaranteed to be sequential |
OptAnalytics | 100 | fkey | ExpiryKey | underlying fkey (if any) |
OptAnalytics | 103 | ticker | TickerKey | underlying ticker |
OptAnalytics | 106 | prtExch | Enum | exchange on which print took place |
OptAnalytics | 109 | prtSize | Int | print size [contracts] |
OptAnalytics | 112 | prtPrice | Float | print price |
OptAnalytics | 115 | prtType | Enum | print type |
OptAnalytics | 118 | prtOrders | UShort | number of participating orders (future exchanges only) |
OptAnalytics | 121 | prtClusterNum | Int | incremental print cluster counter (one counter per okey; used to group prints into clusters) |
OptAnalytics | 124 | prtClusterSize | Int | cumulative size of prints in this sequence (prints @ same or more aggressive price with less than 25 ms elapsing since first print; can span exchanges) |
OptAnalytics | 127 | prtVolume | Int | day print volume in contracts |
OptAnalytics | 130 | cxlVolume | Int | day print/cancel volume (num of contracts printed and then cancelled) |
OptAnalytics | 133 | bidCount | UShort | number of bid prints |
OptAnalytics | 136 | askCount | UShort | number of ask prints |
OptAnalytics | 139 | bidVolume | Int | bid print volume in contracts |
OptAnalytics | 142 | askVolume | Int | ask print volume in contracts |
OptAnalytics | 145 | ebid | Float | exchange bid (@ print time) |
OptAnalytics | 148 | eask | Float | exchange ask (@ print time) |
OptAnalytics | 151 | ebsz | Int | exchange bid size |
OptAnalytics | 154 | easz | Int | exchange ask size |
OptAnalytics | 157 | eage | Float | age of prevailing quote at time of print |
OptAnalytics | 160 | prtSide | Enum | |
OptAnalytics | 163 | prtTimestamp | Long | exchange high precision timestamp (if available) |
OptAnalytics | 166 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch; usually syncronized with facility grandfather clock |
OptAnalytics | 169 | timestamp | DateTime | |
OptAnalytics | 172 | oBid | Float | Option NBBO bid a the time the print was received |
OptAnalytics | 175 | oAsk | Float | Option NBBO ask a the time the print was received |
OptAnalytics | 178 | oBidSz | Int | Option NBBO cumulative bid size at the time the print was received |
OptAnalytics | 181 | oAskSz | Int | Option NBBO cumulative ask size at the time the print was received |
OptAnalytics | 184 | oBidEx | Enum | First (or largest) option exchange on the bid |
OptAnalytics | 187 | oAskEx | Enum | First (or largest) option exchange on the ask |
OptAnalytics | 190 | oBidExSz | Int | Option bid size of the largest exchange on the bid at the time the print was received |
OptAnalytics | 193 | oAskExSz | Int | Option ask size of the largest exchange on the ask at the time the print was received |
OptAnalytics | 196 | oBidCnt | Byte | Number of exchanges on the NBBO bid |
OptAnalytics | 199 | oAskCnt | Byte | Number of exchanges on the NBBO ask |
OptAnalytics | 202 | oBid2 | Float | Second level bid price |
OptAnalytics | 205 | oAsk2 | Float | Second level ask price |
OptAnalytics | 208 | oBidSz2 | Int | Cumulative size on the second level bid price |
OptAnalytics | 211 | oAskSz2 | Int | Cumulative size on the second level ask price |
OptAnalytics | 214 | uBid | Double | underlier bid |
OptAnalytics | 217 | uAsk | Double | underlier ask |
OptAnalytics | 220 | uPrc | Double | underlier price |
OptAnalytics | 223 | yrs | Float | years to expiry |
OptAnalytics | 226 | rate | Float | interest rate |
OptAnalytics | 229 | sdiv | Float | continuous stock dividend |
OptAnalytics | 232 | ddiv | Float | discrete stock dividend value (sum of dividends less than or equals to expiration) |
OptAnalytics | 235 | xDe | Float | xDelta |
OptAnalytics | 238 | xAxis | Float | SR surface xAxis value |
OptAnalytics | 241 | multihedge | Enum | Distinguishes options that have a single underlying security from those that are more complex: multiple securities,cash components, binary options,etc: ‘None’,‘Simple’,‘Complex’,‘AllCash’,‘Binary’ |
OptAnalytics | 244 | flexType | Enum | |
OptAnalytics | 247 | flexRoot | String | |
OptAnalytics | 250 | prtIv | Float | print implied vol |
OptAnalytics | 253 | prtDe | Float | print delta |
OptAnalytics | 256 | prtGa | Float | print gamma |
OptAnalytics | 259 | prtTh | Float | print theta |
OptAnalytics | 262 | prtVe | Float | print vega |
OptAnalytics | 265 | prtRo | Float | print rho |
OptAnalytics | 268 | calcErr | String | calc error flag |
OptAnalytics | 271 | surfVol | Float | SR surface volatility |
OptAnalytics | 274 | surfOpx | Float | SR surface price |
OptAnalytics | 277 | surfAtm | Float | SR surface ATM vol |
OptAnalytics | 280 | prtProbability | Float | [M1] probability that buying prtSize contracts @ prtPrice will have positive m10 pnl (prtPriceM10 greater than or equals to prtPrice) [recorded at time of print] |
OptAnalytics | 283 | prtProbabilityM2 | Float | alternate probability model |
OptAnalytics | 286 | prtProbabilityM3 | Float | alternate probability model |
OptAnalytics | 289 | oBidM1 | Float | NBBO option bid 1 minute after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 292 | oAskM1 | Float | NBBO option ask 1 minute after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 295 | uBidM1 | Double | NBBO underlying bid 1 minute after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 298 | uAskM1 | Double | NBBO underlying ask 1 minute after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 301 | uPrcM1 | Double | Underlying price 1 minute after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 304 | sVolM1 | Float | Suface volatility 1 minute after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 307 | sOpxM1 | Float | Surface option price 1 minute after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 310 | sDivM1 | Float | sDiv 1 minute after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 313 | sErrM1 | String | Surface error condition (if any) 1 minute after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 316 | pnlM1 | Float | pnl after 1 minute |
OptAnalytics | 319 | pnlM1Err | Enum | Error condition for PnL calculated over the first 1 minute after the print was received |
OptAnalytics | 322 | oBidM10 | Float | NBBO option bid 10 minutes after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 325 | oAskM10 | Float | NBBO option ask 10 minutes after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 328 | uBidM10 | Double | NBBO underlying bid 10 minutes after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 331 | uAskM10 | Double | NBBO underlying ask 10 minutes after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 334 | uPrcM10 | Double | Underlying price 10 minutes after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 337 | sVolM10 | Float | Suface volatility 10 minutes after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 340 | sOpxM10 | Float | Surface option price 10 minutes after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 343 | sDivM10 | Float | sDiv 10 minutes after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 346 | sErrM10 | String | Surface error condition (if any) 10 minutes after print was received |
OptAnalytics | 349 | pnlM10 | Float | pnl after 10 minutes |
OptAnalytics | 352 | pnlM10Err | Enum | Error condition for PnL calculated 10 minutes after the print was received |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptProbModel | 10 | okey | OptionKey | |
OptProbModel | 11 | stateModel | Enum | |
OptProbModel | 100 | uMid | Double | reference underlier midPrice (0.5 prob price) |
OptProbModel | 103 | uPrc | Double | reference underlier price (mid-quote) |
OptProbModel | 106 | bidPrice | Float | nbbo bid price |
OptProbModel | 109 | askPrice | Float | nbbo ask price |
OptProbModel | 112 | bidSize | Int | cumulative size @ bid price |
OptProbModel | 115 | askSize | Int | cumulative size @ ask price |
OptProbModel | 118 | bidTakeProb | Float | bid take probability of current nbbo market (zero exchange fee) [average size print] |
OptProbModel | 121 | askTakeProb | Float | ask take probability of current nbbo market (zero exchange fee) [average size print] |
OptProbModel | 124 | bidTakeRv | Enum | model result code |
OptProbModel | 127 | askTakeRv | Enum | model result code |
OptProbModel | 130 | bidImprPrice | Float | trial improvement price (usually 1 tick or 1/2 spread inside bidPrice) |
OptProbModel | 133 | askImprPrice | Float | trial improvement price (usually 1 tick or 1/2 spread inside askPrice) |
OptProbModel | 136 | bidTkImProb | Float | bid take imprv probability of current nbbo market (zero exchange fee) [prob to sell (take) @ bid + imprIncrement] |
OptProbModel | 139 | askTkImProb | Float | ask take imprv probability of current nbbo market (zero exchange fee) [prob to buy (take) @ ask - imprIncrement] |
OptProbModel | 142 | bidTkImRv | Enum | model result code |
OptProbModel | 145 | askTkImRv | Enum | model result code |
OptProbModel | 148 | surfPrice | Double | surface price |
OptProbModel | 151 | surfVol | Double | surface volatility |
OptProbModel | 154 | sdiv | Double | expiry sdiv |
OptProbModel | 157 | surfBuyProb | Float | surface buy take probability (zero exchange fee) [average size print] |
OptProbModel | 160 | surfSellProb | Float | surface sell take probability (zero exchange fee) [average size print] |
OptProbModel | 163 | bSurfRv | Enum | model result code |
OptProbModel | 166 | sSurfRv | Enum | model result code |
OptProbModel | 169 | vega | Float | option vega |
OptProbModel | 172 | delta | Float | option delta |
OptProbModel | 175 | midPrice | Float | price corresponding to 0.50 probability |
OptProbModel | 178 | avgBidLink10m | Float | average bid take prob link value (~10 min) |
OptProbModel | 181 | maeBidLink10m | Float | bid link value mean abs err (~10 min) |
OptProbModel | 184 | avgAskLink10m | Float | average ask take prob link value (~10 min) |
OptProbModel | 187 | maeAskLink10m | Float | ask link value mean abs err (~10 min) |
OptProbModel | 190 | avgMktWidth10m | Float | askPrice - bidPrice (~10 min) |
OptProbModel | 193 | counter | Int | record update counter (zero @ start of period;per okey) |
OptProbModel | 196 | qpSource | Enum | |
OptProbModel | 199 | srcTimestamp | Long | feed timestamp from the packet |
OptProbModel | 202 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch (from OptionNbboQuote) |
OptProbModel | 205 | smsTimestamp | Long | state model server timestamp (just before publish) |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptAnalytics | 10 | okey | OptionKey | |
OptAnalytics | 100 | ticker | TickerKey | |
OptAnalytics | 103 | svol | Float | option surface volatility |
OptAnalytics | 106 | years | Float | years to expiration |
OptAnalytics | 109 | up50 | Float | underlier up 50% slide |
OptAnalytics | 112 | dn50 | Float | underlier dn 50% slide |
OptAnalytics | 115 | up15 | Float | underlier up 15% slide |
OptAnalytics | 118 | dn15 | Float | underlier dn 15% slide |
OptAnalytics | 121 | up12 | Float | underlier up 12% slide |
OptAnalytics | 124 | dn12 | Float | underlier dn 12% slide |
OptAnalytics | 127 | up09 | Float | underlier up 9% slide |
OptAnalytics | 130 | dn09 | Float | underlier dn 9% slide |
OptAnalytics | 133 | dn08 | Float | underlier dn 8% slide |
OptAnalytics | 136 | up06 | Float | underlier up 6% slide |
OptAnalytics | 139 | dn06 | Float | underlier dn 6% slide |
OptAnalytics | 142 | up03 | Float | underlier up 3% slide |
OptAnalytics | 145 | dn03 | Float | underlier dn 3% slide |
OptAnalytics | 148 | calcErr | String | option pricing error, otherwise, an empty string. |
OptAnalytics | 151 | calcSource | Enum | |
OptAnalytics | 154 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkRest | 100 | msgType | UShort | message type of the data object being ack’d |
MLinkRest | 103 | sendTs | Long | send timestamp of the data object being ack’d (note: MessageType + SendTimestamp should be unique) |
MLinkRest | 106 | pkey | Text1 | pkey (string) of the message being ack’d |
MLinkRest | 109 | result | Enum | |
MLinkRest | 112 | detail | Text1 |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
FutureDefinition | 10 | secKey | OptionKey | SR Security Key [can be partially filled in (look at secType)] |
FutureDefinition | 11 | secType | Enum | Security Type [Stock, Future, Option] |
FutureDefinition | 100 | securityID | String | unique exchange id (exch assigned) |
FutureDefinition | 103 | ticker | TickerKey | master underlier |
FutureDefinition | 106 | productClass | Enum | |
FutureDefinition | 109 | underlierID | Long | underlier product id (option only) [securityID of undKey/undType product] |
FutureDefinition | 112 | undKey | ExpiryKey | SR Underlier Security Key [can be partially filled in (look at undType)] (option only) |
FutureDefinition | 115 | undType | Enum | Underlier Security Type [Stock, Future] (option only) |
FutureDefinition | 118 | productGroup | String | Underlying product code. I.E. All GE (Eurodollar) spreads, options, futures will be in the same productGroup - This is the Asset field from the SecurityDefinition message |
FutureDefinition | 121 | securityGroup | String | Exchange specific code for a group of related securities that are all affected by market events. I.E. All E-mini weekly options (EW) - This is SecurityGroup field from the SecurityDefinition messages |
FutureDefinition | 124 | marketSegmentID | Int | Exchange specific market segment identifier |
FutureDefinition | 127 | securityDesc | String | full exchange symbol |
FutureDefinition | 130 | exchange | String | listing exchange |
FutureDefinition | 133 | productType | Enum | |
FutureDefinition | 136 | productTerm | Enum | |
FutureDefinition | 139 | productIndexType | Enum | |
FutureDefinition | 142 | productRate | Float | |
FutureDefinition | 145 | contractSize | Float | |
FutureDefinition | 148 | contractUnit | Enum | |
FutureDefinition | 151 | priceFormat | Enum | |
FutureDefinition | 154 | minTickSize | Double | |
FutureDefinition | 157 | displayFactor | Double | |
FutureDefinition | 160 | strikeScale | Double | manual strike price adjustment multiplier (used for some CME products if set, otherwise displayFactor is used) (okey_xx = strikePrice * manualStrikeScale) |
FutureDefinition | 163 | minLotSize | Short | minimum lot size |
FutureDefinition | 166 | bookDepth | Short | levels in the Globex quote book |
FutureDefinition | 169 | impliedBookDepth | Short | levels in the globex implied quote book (0 if no implied depth) |
FutureDefinition | 172 | impMarketInd | Short | implied market type (0 = no implied, 1 = implied in, 2 = implied out, 3 = implied in & out) |
FutureDefinition | 175 | minPriceIncrementAmount | Float | (depricate) minimum price amount (points per handle) |
FutureDefinition | 178 | parValue | Float | per contract par value |
FutureDefinition | 181 | contMultiplier | Float | contract deliverable multipler |
FutureDefinition | 184 | cabPrice | Double | (depricate) cabinet price (minimum closing price for OOM options) |
FutureDefinition | 187 | tradeCurr | Enum | |
FutureDefinition | 190 | settleCurr | Enum | |
FutureDefinition | 193 | strikeCurr | Enum | |
FutureDefinition | 196 | expiration | DateTime | future expiration or option expiration (if product is an option). we use the last TRADING day as the expiration date. |
FutureDefinition | 199 | maturity | DateKey | future maturity date or option maturity date. this is the delivery month. |
FutureDefinition | 202 | exerciseType | Enum | (depricate; in RootDefinition) Exercise style |
FutureDefinition | 205 | userDefined | Enum | |
FutureDefinition | 208 | decayStartYear | Short | |
FutureDefinition | 211 | decayStartMonth | Byte | |
FutureDefinition | 214 | decayStartDay | Byte | |
FutureDefinition | 217 | decayQty | Int | daily decay quantity |
FutureDefinition | 220 | priceRatio | Double | price ratio for interest rate intercommodity spreads |
FutureDefinition | 247 | timestamp | DateTime | |
FutureDefinition | 223 | Legs | Repeater | |
FutureDefinition | 226 | legID | String | leg SecurityId (exch assigned) |
FutureDefinition | 229 | secKey | OptionKey | |
FutureDefinition | 232 | secType | Enum | |
FutureDefinition | 235 | side | Enum | |
FutureDefinition | 238 | ratio | UShort | |
FutureDefinition | 241 | refDelta | Float | |
FutureDefinition | 244 | refPrc | Double |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
MLinkRest | 100 | numBytesSent | Long | num bytes sent |
MLinkRest | 103 | numMessagesSent | Long | num messages sent |
MLinkRest | 106 | numMessagesScanned | Long | num messages scanned |
MLinkRest | 109 | queryElapsed | Float | query elapsed time (seconds) |
MLinkRest | 112 | result | Enum | query result |
MLinkRest | 115 | detail | Text1 | query result detail |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptionDefinition | 10 | root | TickerKey | |
OptionDefinition | 100 | ticker | TickerKey | master underlying (can be a stock/product group; eg. @ES) |
OptionDefinition | 103 | osiRoot | String | long version of the root. the short version is used in the TickerKey (for example RYAAY1, not RYAA1) |
OptionDefinition | 106 | ccode | TickerKey | |
OptionDefinition | 109 | uPrcDriverKey | ExpiryKey | (optional) option underlier price driver (all option expiries) (overrides optExpiryDefinition) |
OptionDefinition | 112 | uPrcDriverType | Enum | Stock or Future (note: if Future and uPrcDriverKey does not have an expiry month then FrontMonth will be used) |
OptionDefinition | 115 | uPrcDriverKey2 | ExpiryKey | (optional) alternate option underlier price driver (all option expiries) (overrides optExpiryDefinition) |
OptionDefinition | 118 | uPrcDriverType2 | Enum | Stock or Future (note: if Future and uPrcDriverKey does not have an expiry month then FrontMonth will be used) |
OptionDefinition | 121 | uPrcBoundCCode | Enum | if Yes and if a future exists with ccode=CCode and futExpiry = optExpiry the use this future as a pricing bound |
OptionDefinition | 124 | expirationMap | Enum | determines the underlying future (if any) |
OptionDefinition | 127 | underlierMode | Enum | |
OptionDefinition | 130 | optionType | Enum | indicator for option type |
OptionDefinition | 133 | multihedge | Enum | indicates type of multihedge |
OptionDefinition | 136 | exerciseTime | Enum | Exercise time type |
OptionDefinition | 139 | exerciseType | Enum | Exercise style |
OptionDefinition | 142 | timeMetric | Enum | trading time metric - 252 or 365 trading days or a weekly cycle type |
OptionDefinition | 145 | pricingModel | Enum | |
OptionDefinition | 148 | moneynessType | Enum | moneyness (xAxis) convention: PctStd = (K / fUPrc - 1) / (axisVol * RT), LogStd = LOG(K/fUPrc) / (axisVol * RT), NormStd = (K - fUPrc) / (axisVol * RT) |
OptionDefinition | 151 | priceQuoteType | Enum | quoting style for the option series on the exchange, price (standard price quote) or volatility quoted (vol points) |
OptionDefinition | 154 | volumeTier | Enum | |
OptionDefinition | 157 | positionLimit | Int | max contract limit |
OptionDefinition | 160 | exchanges | String | exchange codes |
OptionDefinition | 163 | tickValue | Float | $NLV value of a single tick change in display premium (pointValue = tickValue / tickSize) |
OptionDefinition | 166 | pointValue | Float | $NLV value of a single point change in display premium (pointValue = tickValue / tickSize) |
OptionDefinition | 169 | pointCurrency | Enum | |
OptionDefinition | 172 | strikeScale | Double | manual strike price adjustment multiplier (used for some CME products if set, otherwise displayFactor is used) (okey_xx = strikePrice * manualStrikeScale) |
OptionDefinition | 175 | strikeRatio | Float | note: effective strike = strike * strikeRatio - cashOnExercise |
OptionDefinition | 178 | cashOnExercise | Float | note: cashOnExercise is positive if it decreases the effective strike price |
OptionDefinition | 181 | underliersPerCn | Int | note: always 100 if underlying list is in use |
OptionDefinition | 184 | premiumMult | Double | note: OCC premium/strike multiplier (usually 100) |
OptionDefinition | 187 | adjConvention | Enum | |
OptionDefinition | 190 | optPriceInc | Enum | |
OptionDefinition | 193 | priceFormat | Enum | price display format |
OptionDefinition | 196 | tradeCurr | Enum | |
OptionDefinition | 199 | settleCurr | Enum | |
OptionDefinition | 202 | strikeCurr | Enum | |
OptionDefinition | 205 | defaultSurfaceRoot | TickerKey | fallback ticker to use for option surfaces if no native surfaces are available |
OptionDefinition | 208 | timestamp | DateTime | |
OptionDefinition | 211 | Underlying | Repeater | |
OptionDefinition | 214 | ticker | TickerKey | |
OptionDefinition | 217 | spc | Float | note: _root basket = sum(spc * ticker) / 100 |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptSurface | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
OptSurface | 100 | minX | Double | typically: -30 |
OptSurface | 103 | maxX | Double | typically: +30 |
OptSurface | 106 | numPoints | Int | typically: 601 (skew points are 0.10 xAxis pts apart) |
OptSurface | 115 | timestamp | DateTime | |
OptSurface | 109 | Point | Repeater | |
OptSurface | 112 | yy | Double | skew fn value at grid point (usually; yy= 1.0 @ x= 0.0) |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptExchAuction | 10 | secKey | OptionKey | |
OptExchAuction | 11 | secType | Enum | |
OptExchAuction | 12 | auctionExch | Enum | exchange handling the auction |
OptExchAuction | 13 | auctionExDest | String | external exDest of auction (usually means auction is off-exchange) |
OptExchAuction | 100 | srAuctionID | Long | unique SR AUCTION ID (required when responding to an auction notice) |
OptExchAuction | 103 | exchAuctionId | String | |
OptExchAuction | 106 | exchAuctionType | String | |
OptExchAuction | 109 | isTestAuction | Enum | test auction (should only respond from T.accnts) |
OptExchAuction | 112 | auctionState | Enum | |
OptExchAuction | 115 | auctionShape | Enum | |
OptExchAuction | 118 | auctionType | Enum | |
OptExchAuction | 121 | auctionSide | Enum | Market side (client/imbalance side of auction; if known) [responder should be opposite side] |
OptExchAuction | 124 | auctionSize | Int | size available to trade |
OptExchAuction | 127 | auctionPrice | Double | auction price (can be positive or negative) |
OptExchAuction | 130 | isAuctionPriceValid | Enum | |
OptExchAuction | 133 | auctionDuration | Int | expected auction / imbalance action duration (ms) |
OptExchAuction | 136 | auctionStartSize | Int | initial (starting) auction size |
OptExchAuction | 139 | auctionStartPrice | Double | initial (starting) auction price |
OptExchAuction | 142 | auctionStartTimestamp | Long | auction start timestamp |
OptExchAuction | 145 | minResponseSize | Int | minimum size of the response order |
OptExchAuction | 148 | limitType | Enum | client / imbalance limit type (if available) |
OptExchAuction | 151 | firmType | Enum | firm type of the client side of auction (if available) |
OptExchAuction | 154 | memberMPID | String | exchange member initiating auction (if available) |
OptExchAuction | 157 | clientAccnt | String | client account designation (if known) |
OptExchAuction | 160 | otherDetail | String | additional auction detail (exchange specific) |
OptExchAuction | 163 | matchedSize | Int | size already matched (may still be available to trade at a better price) |
OptExchAuction | 166 | numUpdates | Byte | number of auction updates received (not counting auction termination message) |
OptExchAuction | 169 | numResponses | Byte | as reported by exchange (if available) |
OptExchAuction | 172 | bestResponseSize | Int | |
OptExchAuction | 175 | bestResponsePrice | Double | |
OptExchAuction | 178 | cumFillQuantity | Int | as reported by exchange (if available) |
OptExchAuction | 181 | avgFillPrice | Double | |
OptExchAuction | 184 | marketStatus | Enum | market status (pre-open, open, closed, etc) |
OptExchAuction | 187 | srcTimestamp | Long | source timestamp (nanoseconds) if available |
OptExchAuction | 190 | netTimestamp | Long | network timestamp message arrival @ direct exchange gateway |
OptExchAuction | 193 | dgwTimestamp | Long | network timestamp mbus message send @ direct exchange gateway |
OptExchAuction | 196 | timestamp | DateTime | |
OptExchAuction | 199 | Legs | Repeater | |
OptExchAuction | 202 | legSecKey | OptionKey | |
OptExchAuction | 205 | legSecType | Enum | |
OptExchAuction | 208 | legSide | Enum | |
OptExchAuction | 211 | legRatio | UShort | leg ratio (1, 2, etc) |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
SpreadMktData | 10 | skey | TickerKey | SR Spread Key (should have corresponding ProductDefinition record) |
SpreadMktData | 11 | isTest | Enum | Yes indicates that response is made of entirely of isTest=Yes SpreadExchOrders |
SpreadMktData | 100 | ticker | TickerKey | common spread underlier |
SpreadMktData | 103 | priceFormat | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 106 | bidPrice1 | Double | bid price |
SpreadMktData | 109 | isBidPrice1Valid | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 112 | askPrice1 | Double | ask price |
SpreadMktData | 115 | isAskPrice1Valid | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 118 | bidSize1 | Int | cumulative size at bidPrice |
SpreadMktData | 121 | askSize1 | Int | cumulative size at askPrice |
SpreadMktData | 124 | bidMask1 | UInt | exchange bid bit mask (OptExch mask for NMS spreads; zero for single exchange spreads) |
SpreadMktData | 127 | askMask1 | UInt | exchange ask bit mask (OptExch mask for NMS spreads; zero for single exchange spreads) |
SpreadMktData | 130 | bidExch1 | Enum | exchange at bid price with the largest size (if any) |
SpreadMktData | 133 | askExch1 | Enum | exchange at ask price with the largest size (if any) |
SpreadMktData | 136 | bidTime | DateTime | last bid price or size change |
SpreadMktData | 139 | askTime | DateTime | last ask price or size change |
SpreadMktData | 142 | updateType | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 145 | numStkLegs | Byte | |
SpreadMktData | 148 | numFutLegs | Byte | |
SpreadMktData | 151 | numOptLegs | Byte | |
SpreadMktData | 154 | allLegsValid | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 157 | userDefined | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 160 | spreadType | Enum | option spread type |
SpreadMktData | 163 | ratioType | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 166 | legBidPrc | Double | |
SpreadMktData | 169 | legAskPrc | Double | |
SpreadMktData | 172 | legBidSz | Int | |
SpreadMktData | 175 | legAskSz | Int | |
SpreadMktData | 178 | surfPrc | Double | |
SpreadMktData | 181 | surfDelta | Float | |
SpreadMktData | 184 | surfGamma | Float | |
SpreadMktData | 187 | surfVega | Float | |
SpreadMktData | 190 | surfWtVega | Float | |
SpreadMktData | 193 | surfError | Byte | error code from surface price calc (if any) |
SpreadMktData | 196 | minExpiry | DateTime | expiry of earliest option leg(s) |
SpreadMktData | 199 | maxExpiry | DateTime | expiry of latest option leg(s) |
SpreadMktData | 202 | minYears | Float | |
SpreadMktData | 205 | maxYears | Float | |
SpreadMktData | 208 | refUPrc | Float | reference underlier price |
SpreadMktData | 211 | printPrice | Float | last spread print price (if any) |
SpreadMktData | 214 | printTime | DateTime | |
SpreadMktData | 217 | printSize | Int | last spread print size (if any) |
SpreadMktData | 220 | printVolume | Int | |
SpreadMktData | 223 | grpNum | Int | |
SpreadMktData | 226 | securityDesc | String | |
SpreadMktData | 229 | filterId | Long | tool server filter request ID |
SpreadMktData | 232 | timestamp | DateTime | |
SpreadMktData | 235 | MarkupLegs | Repeater | |
SpreadMktData | 238 | legSecKey | OptionKey | |
SpreadMktData | 241 | legSecType | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 244 | legPriceFormat | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 247 | legSecurityDesc | String | Security description |
SpreadMktData | 250 | legSide | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 253 | legRatio | UShort | leg ratio (1, 2, etc) |
SpreadMktData | 256 | legBidPrice | Double | leg market bid |
SpreadMktData | 259 | legBidSize | Int | |
SpreadMktData | 262 | legAskPrice | Double | leg market ask |
SpreadMktData | 265 | legAskSize | Int | |
SpreadMktData | 268 | legYears | Float | |
SpreadMktData | 271 | legUPrc | Double | |
SpreadMktData | 274 | legOptMult | Float | SPC if equity, 1 if option/future |
SpreadMktData | 277 | legFutMult | Float | 1 if equity, uMult if option/future |
SpreadMktData | 280 | legSurfVol | Float | leg surface volatility |
SpreadMktData | 283 | legSurfPrice | Float | surface price as of message arrival |
SpreadMktData | 286 | legSurfDe | Float | |
SpreadMktData | 289 | legSurfGa | Float | |
SpreadMktData | 292 | legSurfVe | Float | |
SpreadMktData | 295 | legSurfErr | Byte |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
SpreadMktData | 10 | skey | TickerKey | SR Spread Key (should have corresponding ProductDefinition record) |
SpreadMktData | 11 | isTest | Enum | Yes indicates that response is made of entirely of isTest=Yes SpreadExchOrders |
SpreadMktData | 100 | ticker | TickerKey | common spread underlier |
SpreadMktData | 103 | bidPrice1 | Double | bid price |
SpreadMktData | 106 | isBidPrice1Valid | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 109 | askPrice1 | Double | ask price |
SpreadMktData | 112 | isAskPrice1Valid | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 115 | bidSize1 | Int | cumulative size at bidPrice |
SpreadMktData | 118 | askSize1 | Int | cumulative size at askPrice |
SpreadMktData | 121 | bidPrice2 | Double | 2nd best bid price |
SpreadMktData | 124 | isBidPrice2Valid | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 127 | askPrice2 | Double | 2nd best ask price |
SpreadMktData | 130 | isAskPrice2Valid | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 133 | bidSize2 | Int | cumulative size at 2nd price |
SpreadMktData | 136 | askSize2 | Int | cumulative size at 2nd price |
SpreadMktData | 139 | bidExch1 | Enum | exchange at bid price with the largest size (if any) |
SpreadMktData | 142 | askExch1 | Enum | exchange at ask price with the largest size (if any) |
SpreadMktData | 145 | bidMask1 | UInt | exchange bid bit mask (OptExch mask for NMS spreads; zero for single exchange spreads) |
SpreadMktData | 148 | askMask1 | UInt | exchange ask bit mask (OptExch mask for NMS spreads; zero for single exchange spreads) |
SpreadMktData | 151 | bidTime | DateTime | last bid price or size change |
SpreadMktData | 154 | askTime | DateTime | last ask price or size change |
SpreadMktData | 157 | updateType | Enum | |
SpreadMktData | 160 | srcTimestamp | Long | source high precision timestamp (if available) |
SpreadMktData | 163 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch;usually syncronized with facility grandfather clock |
SpreadMktData | 166 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
SpreadExchData | 10 | skey | TickerKey | SR or exchange assigned Spread TickerKey (ProductDefinition.pkey) (might be null) |
SpreadExchData | 11 | exch | Enum | |
SpreadExchData | 12 | side | Enum | |
SpreadExchData | 13 | isTest | Enum | |
SpreadExchData | 100 | ticker | TickerKey | underlier (or product group) tickerKey |
SpreadExchData | 103 | orderID | String | exchange order ID |
SpreadExchData | 106 | size | Int | total spreads available |
SpreadExchData | 109 | price | Double | |
SpreadExchData | 112 | isPriceValid | Enum | |
SpreadExchData | 115 | origOrderSize | Int | original order size (if available) |
SpreadExchData | 118 | orderType | Enum | |
SpreadExchData | 121 | orderStatus | Enum | |
SpreadExchData | 124 | marketQualifier | Enum | |
SpreadExchData | 127 | execQualifier | Enum | |
SpreadExchData | 130 | timeInForce | Enum | |
SpreadExchData | 133 | firmType | Enum | |
SpreadExchData | 136 | clearingFirm | String | |
SpreadExchData | 139 | clearingAccnt | String | |
SpreadExchData | 142 | srcTimestamp | Long | source high precision timestamp (if available) |
SpreadExchData | 145 | netTimestamp | Long | SpiderRock network PTP timestamp |
SpreadExchData | 148 | dgwTimestamp | Long | SpiderRock data gateway timestamp |
SpreadExchData | 151 | timestamp | DateTime | |
SpreadExchData | 154 | Legs | Repeater | |
SpreadExchData | 157 | legSecKey | OptionKey | |
SpreadExchData | 160 | legSecType | Enum | |
SpreadExchData | 163 | legSide | Enum | |
SpreadExchData | 166 | legRatio | UInt | leg ratio (1, 2, etc) |
SpreadExchData | 169 | positionType | Enum |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
OptAnalytics | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
OptAnalytics | 100 | status | Enum | |
OptAnalytics | 103 | beta | Float | (depricate) |
OptAnalytics | 106 | betaInd | Float | SR beta to IND |
OptAnalytics | 109 | betaSub | Float | SR beta to SUB |
OptAnalytics | 112 | betaGrp | Float | SR beta to GRP |
OptAnalytics | 115 | betaQQQ | Float | SR beta to QQQ [2 year; weekly (fri - fri)] |
OptAnalytics | 118 | betaSPY | Float | SR beta to SPY [2 year; weekly (fri - fri)] |
OptAnalytics | 121 | betaIWM | Float | SR beta to IWM [2 year; weekly (fri - fri)] |
OptAnalytics | 124 | timestamp | DateTime | record update timestamp |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
EqtMktData | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
EqtMktData | 100 | updateType | Enum | |
EqtMktData | 103 | marketStatus | Enum | market status (open, halted, etc) |
EqtMktData | 106 | bidPrice1 | Float | bid price for best price level |
EqtMktData | 109 | bidSize1 | Int | bid size for best price level |
EqtMktData | 112 | bidExch1 | Enum | |
EqtMktData | 115 | bidMask1 | UInt | bid exchange bit mask for best bid price level |
EqtMktData | 118 | askPrice1 | Float | ask price for best price level |
EqtMktData | 121 | askSize1 | Int | ask size for best price level |
EqtMktData | 124 | askExch1 | Enum | exchange |
EqtMktData | 127 | askMask1 | UInt | ask exchange bit mask for best ask price level |
EqtMktData | 130 | bidPrice2 | Float | bid price for next best price level |
EqtMktData | 133 | bidSize2 | Int | bid size for next best price level |
EqtMktData | 136 | bidExch2 | Enum | exchange |
EqtMktData | 139 | bidMask2 | UInt | bid exchange bit mask for next best bid price level |
EqtMktData | 142 | askPrice2 | Float | ask price for next best price level |
EqtMktData | 145 | askSize2 | Int | ask size for next best price level |
EqtMktData | 148 | askExch2 | Enum | exchange |
EqtMktData | 151 | askMask2 | UInt | ask exchange bit mask for next best ask price level |
EqtMktData | 154 | haltMask | UInt | bit mask of halted exchanges |
EqtMktData | 157 | srcTimestamp | Long | source high precision timestamp (if available) |
EqtMktData | 160 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch;usually syncronized with facility grandfather clock |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
EqtMarkData | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
EqtMarkData | 100 | tradeDate | DateKey | |
EqtMarkData | 103 | clsMarkState | Enum | Close mark state. None; LastPrt; SRClose; ExchClose; Final |
EqtMarkData | 106 | opnPrc | Float | Open price |
EqtMarkData | 109 | minPrc | Float | Low price |
EqtMarkData | 112 | maxPrc | Float | High price |
EqtMarkData | 115 | sharesOutstanding | Int | Shares outstanding |
EqtMarkData | 118 | prtCount | Int | Print count |
EqtMarkData | 121 | prtVolume | Int | Print volume |
EqtMarkData | 124 | realizedVol | Float | Realized vol |
EqtMarkData | 127 | avgMktSize | Float | Average market size |
EqtMarkData | 130 | avgMktWidth | Float | Average market width |
EqtMarkData | 133 | bidPrc | Float | bid price (close - 1min) |
EqtMarkData | 136 | askPrc | Float | ask price (close - 1min) |
EqtMarkData | 139 | srClsPrc | Float | SR close mark (close - 1min) |
EqtMarkData | 142 | closePrc | Float | official exchange closing mark (last print; then official close) |
EqtMarkData | 145 | hasSRClsPrc | Enum | |
EqtMarkData | 148 | hasClosePrc | Enum | |
EqtMarkData | 151 | srCloseMarkDttm | DateTime | from MarketCloseQuote.srCloseMarkDttm |
EqtMarkData | 154 | timestamp | DateTime | record publish/update timestamp |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
GlobalDefinition | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
GlobalDefinition | 11 | source | Enum | Live=currentEarningsDate; priorDay=previousEarningsDate |
GlobalDefinition | 100 | eMoveHist | Float | historical average (trailing 8) earnings moves prior to today |
GlobalDefinition | 103 | timestamp | DateTime | timestamp of record |
GlobalDefinition | 106 | Event | Repeater | |
GlobalDefinition | 109 | eventDate | DateKey | |
GlobalDefinition | 112 | eventTime | String | |
GlobalDefinition | 115 | earnStatus | Enum | |
GlobalDefinition | 118 | guidanceIssued | Enum | |
GlobalDefinition | 121 | earnFiscalQtr | DateKey | |
GlobalDefinition | 124 | earnChange | Enum | |
GlobalDefinition | 127 | earnPctMove | Float | underlying move in the trading period including the event (only available when eventStatus = ‘Actual’) |
GlobalDefinition | 130 | prvClose | Float | closing price prior to earnings announcement |
GlobalDefinition | 133 | open | Float | opening price (on moveDate) |
GlobalDefinition | 136 | high | Float | high price (on moveDate) |
GlobalDefinition | 139 | low | Float | low price (on moveDate) |
GlobalDefinition | 142 | close | Float | close price (on moveDate) |
GlobalDefinition | 145 | moveDate | DateKey | date corresponding to larger daily change (OHLC data taken from the same date or the date following each earnings announcement) |
GlobalDefinition | 148 | hEMove | Float | historical average (trailing 8) earnings moves prior to announcement (historical only) |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
EqtExchImbalance | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
EqtExchImbalance | 11 | auctionTime | DateTime | Projected Auction Time (hhmm). |
EqtExchImbalance | 12 | auctionType | Enum | |
EqtExchImbalance | 13 | exchange | Enum | |
EqtExchImbalance | 100 | referencePx | Float | For Pillar-powered markets, the Reference Price is used to calculate the Indicative Match Price. |
EqtExchImbalance | 103 | pairedQty | Int | For Pillar-powered markets, the number of shares paired off at the Indicative Match Price. |
EqtExchImbalance | 106 | totalImbalanceQty | Int | For Pillar-powered markets, the total imbalance quantity at the Indicative Match Price. |
EqtExchImbalance | 109 | marketImbalanceQty | Int | For Pillar-powered markets, the total market order imbalance quantity at the Indicative Match Price. |
EqtExchImbalance | 112 | imbalanceSide | Enum | The side of the TotalImbalanceQty. |
EqtExchImbalance | 115 | continuousBookClrPx | Float | For Pillar-powered markets, the price at which all interest on the book can trade, including auction and imbalance offset interest, and disregarding auction collars. |
EqtExchImbalance | 118 | closingOnlyClrPx | Float | For Pillar-powered markets, the price at which all eligible auction-only interest would trade, subject to auction collars. |
EqtExchImbalance | 121 | ssrFillingPx | Float | For Pillar-powered markets, not supported and defaulted to 0. |
EqtExchImbalance | 124 | indicativeMatchPx | Float | For Pillar-powered markets, the price that has the highest executable volume of auction-eligible shares, subject to auction collars. It includes the non-displayed quantity of Reserve Orders. |
EqtExchImbalance | 127 | upperCollar | Float | If the IndicativeMatchPrice is not strictly between the UpperCollar and the LowerCollar, special auction rules apply. See Rule 7.35P for details. |
EqtExchImbalance | 130 | lowerCollar | Float | If the IndicativeMatchPrice is not strictly between the UpperCollar and the LowerCollar, special auction rules apply. See Rule 7.35P for details. |
EqtExchImbalance | 133 | auctionStatus | Enum | Indicates whether the auction will run. |
EqtExchImbalance | 136 | freezeStatus | Enum | |
EqtExchImbalance | 139 | numExtensions | Byte | Number of times the halt period has been extended. |
EqtExchImbalance | 142 | netTimestamp | Long | PTP timestamp |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
EqtSummaryData | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
EqtSummaryData | 100 | opnPrice | Double | first print price of the day during regular market hours |
EqtSummaryData | 103 | mrkPrice | Double | last print handled during regular market hours |
EqtSummaryData | 106 | clsPrice | Double | official exchange closing price |
EqtSummaryData | 109 | minPrice | Double | minimum print price within market hours |
EqtSummaryData | 112 | maxPrice | Double | maximum print price within market hours |
EqtSummaryData | 115 | sharesOutstanding | Int | shares outstanding |
EqtSummaryData | 118 | bidCount | Int | num prints less than or equals to quote.bid |
EqtSummaryData | 121 | bidVolume | Int | volume when prtPrice less than or equals to quote.bid |
EqtSummaryData | 124 | askCount | Int | num prints greater than or equals to quote.ask |
EqtSummaryData | 127 | askVolume | Int | volume when prtPrice greater than or equals to quote.ask |
EqtSummaryData | 130 | midCount | Int | num prints inside quote.bid / quote.ask |
EqtSummaryData | 133 | midVolume | Int | volume inside quote.bid / quote.ask |
EqtSummaryData | 136 | prtCount | Int | number of distinct print reports |
EqtSummaryData | 139 | prtPrice | Double | last print price |
EqtSummaryData | 142 | expCount | Int | number of updates included in exponential average |
EqtSummaryData | 145 | expWidth | Double | exponential average market width (10 minute 1/2 life) |
EqtSummaryData | 148 | expBidSize | Float | exponential average bid size (10 minute 1/2 life) |
EqtSummaryData | 151 | expAskSize | Float | exponential average ask size (10 minute 1/2 life) |
EqtSummaryData | 154 | lastPrint | DateTime | |
EqtSummaryData | 157 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
EqtSummaryData | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
EqtSummaryData | 100 | date | String | |
EqtSummaryData | 103 | time | String | |
EqtSummaryData | 106 | prtOpen | Double | Open print |
EqtSummaryData | 109 | prtHigh | Double | High print |
EqtSummaryData | 112 | prtLow | Double | Low print |
EqtSummaryData | 115 | prtLast | Double | Last print |
EqtSummaryData | 118 | prtVWap | Double | VWap (print) |
EqtSummaryData | 121 | prtVolume | Int | Print volume |
EqtSummaryData | 124 | prtCount | Int | Print count |
EqtSummaryData | 127 | qteHiBid | Double | Quote high bid |
EqtSummaryData | 130 | qteLoAsk | Double | Quote low ask |
EqtSummaryData | 133 | qteTwap | Double | Quote TWap |
EqtSummaryData | 136 | qteCount | Int | Quote count |
EqtSummaryData | 139 | bid | Double | Bid |
EqtSummaryData | 142 | ask | Double | Ask |
EqtSummaryData | 145 | bidSz | Int | Bid size |
EqtSummaryData | 148 | askSz | Int | Ask size |
EqtSummaryData | 151 | width | Float | Bid/ask spread |
EqtSummaryData | 154 | isEOB | Enum | is end-of-bar (every 10 minutes) |
EqtSummaryData | 157 | isEOH | Enum | is end-of-hour |
EqtSummaryData | 160 | timestamp | DateTime | same as date + time |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
EqtMarkData | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
EqtMarkData | 100 | tradeDate | DateKey | |
EqtMarkData | 103 | srClsPrc | Float | SR open mark; [SR close market (close - 1 min) from previous day; overnight adjusted] |
EqtMarkData | 106 | closePrc | Float | exchange open mark; [exchange close mark from previous day; overnight adjusted] |
EqtMarkData | 109 | bidPrc | Float | bid price [SR closing bid (close - 1 min) from previous day; overnight adjusted] |
EqtMarkData | 112 | askPrc | Float | ask price [SR closing ask (close - 1 min) from previous day; overnight adjusted] |
EqtMarkData | 115 | corpAction | Text1 | |
EqtMarkData | 118 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
EqtMktData | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
EqtMktData | 100 | prtExch | Enum | print exch |
EqtMktData | 103 | prtSize | Int | print size |
EqtMktData | 106 | prtPrice | Float | print price level |
EqtMktData | 109 | prtClusterNum | Int | incremental print cluster counter (one counter per ticker; used to group prints into clusters) |
EqtMktData | 112 | prtClusterSize | Int | cumulative size of prints in this sequence (prints @ same or more aggressive price with less than 25 ms elapsing since first print; can span exchanges) |
EqtMktData | 115 | prtVolume | Int | cumulative print size today |
EqtMktData | 118 | mrkPrice | Float | last regular market print price |
EqtMktData | 121 | clsPrice | Float | official closing price (if available) |
EqtMktData | 124 | prtType | Enum | |
EqtMktData | 127 | prtCond1 | Byte | print condition (from SIP feed) |
EqtMktData | 130 | prtCond2 | Byte | |
EqtMktData | 133 | prtCond3 | Byte | |
EqtMktData | 136 | prtCond4 | Byte | |
EqtMktData | 139 | ebid | Float | exchange bid (@ print time) [SIP feed] |
EqtMktData | 142 | eask | Float | exchange ask (@ print time) [SIP feed] |
EqtMktData | 145 | ebsz | Int | exchange bid size |
EqtMktData | 148 | easz | Int | exchange ask size |
EqtMktData | 151 | eage | Float | age of prevailing quote at time of print |
EqtMktData | 154 | prtSide | Enum | |
EqtMktData | 157 | prtTimestamp | Long | exchange high precision timestamp (if available) |
EqtMktData | 160 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch; usually syncronized with facility grandfather clock |
EqtMktData | 163 | timestamp | DateTime |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
StkProbModel | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
StkProbModel | 11 | stateModel | Enum | |
StkProbModel | 100 | prtPrice | Float | |
StkProbModel | 103 | prtSize | Int | |
StkProbModel | 106 | prtProb | Float | probability that this print will result in positive PnL |
StkProbModel | 109 | prtSide | Enum | |
StkProbModel | 112 | bidPrice | Float | nbbo bid price |
StkProbModel | 115 | askPrice | Float | nbbo ask price |
StkProbModel | 118 | bidSize | Int | cumulative size @ bid price |
StkProbModel | 121 | askSize | Int | cumulative size @ ask price |
StkProbModel | 124 | avgBLink1m | Float | average buy link value (trailing 10) |
StkProbModel | 127 | maeBLink1m | Float | buy link value mean abs err (trailing 1000) |
StkProbModel | 130 | avgSLink1m | Float | average sell link value (trailing 10) |
StkProbModel | 133 | maeSLink1m | Float | sell link value mean abs err (trailing 1000) |
StkProbModel | 136 | avgBLink10m | Float | average buy link value (trailing 100) |
StkProbModel | 139 | maeBLink10m | Float | bid link value mean abs err (trailing 1000) |
StkProbModel | 142 | avgSLink10m | Float | average ask link value (trailing 100) |
StkProbModel | 145 | maeSLink10m | Float | ask link value mean abs err (trailing 1000) |
StkProbModel | 148 | bCounter | Int | buy counter |
StkProbModel | 151 | sCounter | Int | sell counter |
StkProbModel | 154 | prtTimestamp | Long | feed timestamp from the packet |
StkProbModel | 157 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch (from StockPrint); |
StkProbModel | 160 | smsTimestamp | Long | state model server timestamp (just before publish) |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
StkProbModel | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
StkProbModel | 11 | stateModel | Enum | |
StkProbModel | 100 | bidPrice | Float | nbbo bid price |
StkProbModel | 103 | askPrice | Float | nbbo ask price |
StkProbModel | 106 | bidSize | Int | cumulative size @ bid price |
StkProbModel | 109 | askSize | Int | cumulative size @ ask price |
StkProbModel | 112 | bidTakeProb | Float | bid take probability of current nbbo market (zero exchange fee) [average size print] |
StkProbModel | 115 | askTakeProb | Float | ask take probability of current nbbo market (zero exchange fee) [average size print] |
StkProbModel | 118 | bidTakeRv | Enum | |
StkProbModel | 121 | askTakeRv | Enum | model result code |
StkProbModel | 124 | bidImprPrice | Float | trial improvement price (usually 1 tick or 1/2 spread inside bidPrice) |
StkProbModel | 127 | askImprPrice | Float | trial improvement price (usually 1 tick or 1/2 spread inside askPrice) |
StkProbModel | 130 | bidTkImProb | Float | bid take imprv probability of current nbbo market (zero exchange fee) [prob to sell (take) @ bid + imprIncrement] |
StkProbModel | 133 | askTkImProb | Float | ask take imprv probability of current nbbo market (zero exchange fee) [prob to buy (take) @ ask - imprIncrement] |
StkProbModel | 136 | bidTkImRv | Enum | model result code |
StkProbModel | 139 | askTkImRv | Enum | model result code |
StkProbModel | 142 | midPrice | Float | price corresponding to 0.50 probability |
StkProbModel | 145 | avgBidLink1m | Float | average bid link value (~1 min) |
StkProbModel | 148 | maeBidLink1m | Float | bid link value mean abs err (~10 min) |
StkProbModel | 151 | avgAskLink1m | Float | average ask link value (~1 min) |
StkProbModel | 154 | maeAskLink1m | Float | ask link value mean abs err (~1 min) |
StkProbModel | 157 | avgBidLink10m | Float | average bid link value (~10 min) |
StkProbModel | 160 | maeBidLink10m | Float | bid link value mean abs err (~10 min) |
StkProbModel | 163 | avgAskLink10m | Float | average ask link value (~10 min) |
StkProbModel | 166 | maeAskLink10m | Float | ask link value mean abs err (~10 min) |
StkProbModel | 169 | avgMktWidth1m | Float | askPrice - bidPrice (~1 min) |
StkProbModel | 172 | avgMktWidth10m | Float | askPrice - bidPrice (~10 min) |
StkProbModel | 175 | counter | Int | record update counter (zero @ start of period;per ticker) |
StkProbModel | 178 | qpSource | Enum | |
StkProbModel | 181 | srcTimestamp | Long | feed timestamp from the packet |
StkProbModel | 184 | netTimestamp | Long | inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch (from StockBookQuote);zero = size only change |
StkProbModel | 187 | smsTimestamp | Long | state model server timestamp (just before publish) |
mToken | Field Number | Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
EquityDefinition | 10 | ticker | TickerKey | |
EquityDefinition | 100 | securityID | Int | Security ID number from the source - Vendor, SR, Feed |
EquityDefinition | 103 | symbolType | Enum | |
EquityDefinition | 106 | name | String | Symbol name |
EquityDefinition | 109 | country | String | ISO Issuer Country Code |
EquityDefinition | 112 | parValue | Float | Security Parvalue |
EquityDefinition | 115 | parValueCurrency | String | Security Parvalue currency |
EquityDefinition | 118 | pointValue | Float | |
EquityDefinition | 121 | pointCurrency | Enum | |
EquityDefinition | 124 | primaryExch | Enum | |
EquityDefinition | 127 | altID | Int | Alt Security ID number |
EquityDefinition | 130 | mic | String | ISO Market Identification Code |
EquityDefinition | 133 | micSeg | String | ISO Market Indentification Segment Code |
EquityDefinition | 136 | symbol | String | trading symbol (w/o dot notation) |
EquityDefinition | 139 | issueClass | String | issue class of stock symbol. if no issue class field will be blank. |
EquityDefinition | 142 | sharesOutstanding | Int | symbol shares outstanding, represented in thousands (actualsharesoutstanding = sharesoutstanding * 1000) |
EquityDefinition | 145 | cusip | String | cusip code |
EquityDefinition | 148 | indNum | Int | IND (2 digits) |
EquityDefinition | 151 | subNum | Int | SUB (4 digits) |
EquityDefinition | 154 | grpNum | Int | GRP (6 digits) |
EquityDefinition | 157 | nbrNum | Int | NBR (8 digits) |
EquityDefinition | 160 | sic | String | SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code |
EquityDefinition | 163 | cik | String | Central Index Key (US specific) |
EquityDefinition | 166 | gics | String | Global Industry Classification Standard |
EquityDefinition | 169 | lei | String | Legal Entity Identifier |
EquityDefinition | 172 | naics | String | North American Industry Classification System |
EquityDefinition | 175 | cfi | String | ISO Classification of Financial Instruments |
EquityDefinition | 178 | cic | String | Complementay Identification Code |
EquityDefinition | 181 | fisn | String | Financial Instrument Short Name |
EquityDefinition | 184 | isin | String | ISIN code |
EquityDefinition | 187 | figi | String | FIGI code |
EquityDefinition | 190 | bbgCompositeTicker | String | Bloomberg Composite Ticker |
EquityDefinition | 193 | bbgExchangeTicker | String | Bloomberg Exchange Ticker |
EquityDefinition | 196 | bbgCompositeGlobalID | String | Bloomberg Composite Global ID |
EquityDefinition | 199 | bbgGlobalID | String | Bloomberg Global ID |
EquityDefinition | 202 | bbgCurrency | String | Bloomberg Trading Currency |
EquityDefinition | 205 | otcPrimaryMarket | Enum | |
EquityDefinition | 208 | otcTier | Enum | |
EquityDefinition | 211 | otcReportingStatus | String | |
EquityDefinition | 214 | otcDisclosureStatus | Int | |
EquityDefinition | 217 | otcFlags | Int | |
EquityDefinition | 220 | stkPriceInc | Enum | Price increment: None; FullPenny; Nickle |
EquityDefinition | 223 | tkDefSource | Enum | Ticker definition source: None; Vendor; OTC; SR; Exchange |
EquityDefinition | 226 | statusFlag | Enum | |
EquityDefinition | 229 | tapeCode | Enum | SIP Tape Code |
EquityDefinition | 232 | stkVolume | Float | trailing average 20D daily stock volume |
EquityDefinition | 235 | futVolume | Float | trailing average 20D daily future volume |
EquityDefinition | 238 | optVolume | Float | trailing average 20D daily option volume |
EquityDefinition | 241 | exchString | String | exchanges listing any options on this underlying |
EquityDefinition | 244 | hasOptions | Enum | Has Options flag |
EquityDefinition | 247 | numOptions | Int | total number of listed options |
EquityDefinition | 250 | timeMetric | Enum | trading time metric - 252 or 365 trading days or a weekly cycle type |
EquityDefinition | 253 | timestamp | DateTime |